Nov 17, 2006 02:19
Eat my shorts, they taste good
i am a wonderful person.....
Nov 12, 2006 20:40
Tears tears tears
sad sad sad
more tears tears tears
twaty ears
my soul and brains are in my socks
Nov 01, 2006 04:54
You think you're better than me?
i am sorry
truly sorry
Oct 31, 2006 05:39
NO! The starting price for an Authentic James Worrall Guitar Solo is roughly $6,293.36. All fees are of course negotiable, and proportional to the creative/technical effort required.
Start Saving Children!
Oct 31, 2006 04:37
No Brass but an Oh
A Tragicomedy in Five Songs
1. All The Fireworks' Children(in blue)
2. Finest Animals/Simple Math
3. How You Left Me Hanging, and What You Left Me Holding.
4. Little Yawning Twilight (in blue)
5. When Two Ifs Go Lalala.
Oct 30, 2006 17:48
A Musical Doodical in the key of Walken
Old timey music old timey records old timey music
Anxiety at the ballroom young timey music young timey records young timey music!!!!!1q=
Oct 28, 2006 19:28
I woke up this morning, stumbled into the bathroom, farted, glanced in the mirror, and LOST it. I love me.
Oct 27, 2006 13:08
I have no reason to live
dead dead dead dead dead
Oct 26, 2006 20:55
i am allowed to wink at high school girls at the mall until i am 25
Oct 13, 2006 17:01
Oh the weight of the world
how you hold me close
how you pin me down
reverse cowgirl style