9x Accel

Oct 13, 2011 02:06

[Around town]

[Training a bird isn't easy. One can't simply instill the location they need to arrive at without visiting it first. To train a carrier pigeon, it's accustomed to take them to their destination and make gradually increasing trips to wherever you want them to reside. This is one of the many rules subverted by magi, as through the ( Read more... )

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maguskiller October 13 2011, 09:16:59 UTC
[This was to be expected. Kiritsugu was unable to train them to stay silent in that short an interval of time, but he didn't consider it necessary. After all, doing so would only make them all the more suspicious towards their targets.]

[Eventualities like these were unnecessary to account for. Even now, Kiritsugu remains proficient in creating false backgrounds, being decently well-versed in bird care through recent trial and error. If anything can give him away, it's their behavior, but he won't let this conversation get that far.]

I do. Thought I might as well get new ones.


expiatrice October 13 2011, 12:03:08 UTC
[Passing by Kramden Road in her civilian wear. No it's not like she knew he was there or was sneaking by to check on a dumb blonde vampire, neither nor!

...Okay she might be there for ONE of those reasons, but shhh. STILL. Kiri out like this, and carrying bird cages? That's... a peculiar sight. She's not so naive to think he actually keeps birds just for the company, on the other hand. A man like him is far too careful and methodical. Being aware doesn't mean that she has to say it openly however, so she'll initiate conversation casually.]

Good afternoon, Emiya-san. ...Are you in a hurry? [Mainly because going around with those cages still gave off a distinct sense of purpose. Is he taking them to the vet? '3']


maguskiller October 14 2011, 00:34:51 UTC
Somewhat. I have a few tasks today.

[Kiritsugu's reserved in his posture. Far more serious than before the zombie event. Perhaps this could be due to his change in personality, the realization of what dangers can be found in Mayfield, or his knowledge of Ciel's occupation, which he hasn't made any attempt to hide from her. Though he never really believed her to be a normal girl, she certainly exceeded his expectations ( ... )


expiatrice October 14 2011, 02:09:18 UTC
[She notices. Being a Burial Agent has given her access to information and sources that ordinary Executors would not have, so while she might've not made the connection just yet, she's possibly heard in passing the title "Magus Killer". As for herself, the need for secrecy is nigh obsolete in Mayfield, and paired with her own atonement complex as well as knowing about Kirei Kotomine's actions, she still feels responsible by affiliation. It's why she doesn't really bother hiding with him, or any other from Fuyuki City really. She knows that he knows and there's no need to lie, she just still acts normally during the day because that's her way of doing things. It detracts additional attention.]

Mm, I see. Can you spare a minute? I'd like to ask you something. It shouldn't take long! [And she takes a brief look around. ...Well, the street is empty, but it still may not be ideal to start it here...]


maguskiller October 14 2011, 02:57:26 UTC

[In his own way, he does hold Ciel in high regard, given her credentials. If she wants to ask something, it must be more important than simple casual conversation.]

[The fear for his life, while undoubtedly prone to be sparked by instinct, is not there at this moment. Though he knows the power of the Church, and is rightly wary of it, his own life is rendered into just another tool thanks to Mayfield's revivals. Expendable. Worth less than the information a session of espionage would gather. His attention quickly turns undivided, centering on whatever question she may ask, and not revealing anything he shouldn't.]

I have some time. Go ahead.


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