9x Accel

Oct 13, 2011 02:06

[Around town]

[Training a bird isn't easy. One can't simply instill the location they need to arrive at without visiting it first. To train a carrier pigeon, it's accustomed to take them to their destination and make gradually increasing trips to wherever you want them to reside. This is one of the many rules subverted by magi, as through the ( Read more... )

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maguskiller October 14 2011, 00:34:51 UTC
Somewhat. I have a few tasks today.

[Kiritsugu's reserved in his posture. Far more serious than before the zombie event. Perhaps this could be due to his change in personality, the realization of what dangers can be found in Mayfield, or his knowledge of Ciel's occupation, which he hasn't made any attempt to hide from her. Though he never really believed her to be a normal girl, she certainly exceeded his expectations.]

[However, to simply brush her off would not be a good idea. Despite his history with Executors, he reasons it would be illogical to be actively hostile to one. That would only bring problems. She's not directly opposed to him like Kotomine, and she has little connection to the Grail. Keeping contact won't hurt.]

[If she's an Executor, Kiritsugu reasons that she must have exceptional senses to complement her battle abilities. She must know he's up to something. Still, he doesn't find a motive for her to stop him, so there's no need to take measures. He won't actively mention the information, but he's not getting his hopes up about keeping it hidden for long.]


expiatrice October 14 2011, 02:09:18 UTC
[She notices. Being a Burial Agent has given her access to information and sources that ordinary Executors would not have, so while she might've not made the connection just yet, she's possibly heard in passing the title "Magus Killer". As for herself, the need for secrecy is nigh obsolete in Mayfield, and paired with her own atonement complex as well as knowing about Kirei Kotomine's actions, she still feels responsible by affiliation. It's why she doesn't really bother hiding with him, or any other from Fuyuki City really. She knows that he knows and there's no need to lie, she just still acts normally during the day because that's her way of doing things. It detracts additional attention.]

Mm, I see. Can you spare a minute? I'd like to ask you something. It shouldn't take long! [And she takes a brief look around. ...Well, the street is empty, but it still may not be ideal to start it here...]


maguskiller October 14 2011, 02:57:26 UTC

[In his own way, he does hold Ciel in high regard, given her credentials. If she wants to ask something, it must be more important than simple casual conversation.]

[The fear for his life, while undoubtedly prone to be sparked by instinct, is not there at this moment. Though he knows the power of the Church, and is rightly wary of it, his own life is rendered into just another tool thanks to Mayfield's revivals. Expendable. Worth less than the information a session of espionage would gather. His attention quickly turns undivided, centering on whatever question she may ask, and not revealing anything he shouldn't.]

I have some time. Go ahead.


expiatrice October 14 2011, 03:18:58 UTC
I've heard of a curious phonecall a bit back. Do you remember anything memorable of that nature, roughly 10 days or so ago? [Just vague enough to not sound suspicious, but knowing how thorough this man is, he should automatically know what she's referring to. Kiritsugu was asked for on the phone at that time by a man with dubious intentions. She has noted the fact that a rampage happened at the hospital while the zombie outbreak was still going on, but her own duties tied her down to the church at that time. Nevertheless it's been taken care of, but if such a thing chances a repeat, it's best to be prepared and informed for future reference.]


maguskiller October 14 2011, 03:55:59 UTC
Vaguely. What kind of phone call?

[That. Kiritsugu expected it to be something along those lines. While he thinks Ciel would have approved of his actions, that doesn't take away from the fact that he's interfering into Church territory. In all his years hunting Dead Apostles, he never came upon such a conflict, but that's only because he didn't meet any Burial Agents.]

[Of course, the fact that he doesn't want word to get around plays a big part in it. Alongside information, Kiritsugu's main weapon is secrecy. The moment his identity is revealed to the Doctor, he loses the high ground he currently has.]


expiatrice October 14 2011, 04:22:46 UTC
Someone was looking for two people, but it didn't sound entirely right.

[Does he even know she's among the 7 members that are feared by the Church itself? She doesn't usually mention it, but that has come to be relevant in the past a few times. She'd certainly be fine with that, but she also does realize that this man's very presence is more alarming than anything else.

And of course, the need to keep quiet. She pried the Doctor's dubious reason for seeking his killers out while withholding on specifics herself, for she is also acquainted with Susan Sto Helit. Does Kiri know about that woman? If that information could be of any help, she'd likely share it.] The man who's looking was candid with his reason, too. Would you know about both the individuals that he sought?


maguskiller October 14 2011, 06:19:31 UTC
[...No use in acting any longer. She's clearly at least somewhat aware of what's going on. The need to manipulate the situation has just outweighed the probability of getting out of this without suspicion. At least now he'll be able to figure out her stance regarding his actions. If things don't go favorably, maybe he can at least convince her to not divulge it.]

[Then again, he's not a great conversationalist.]

[Kiritsugu lowers the cages as gently as he's able to. Before long, the first cigarette of the day is lit.]

Not the woman. That part of the message took me by surprise.

Why are you looking into this?


expiatrice October 14 2011, 15:31:11 UTC
Would you like to know more about her? She teaches at Mayfield High, she's a colleague of mine.

[She doesn't mind the smoke. She does wrinkle her nose a little, whether he notices or not.]

Hm... Well, is it okay to talk about it here?


maguskiller October 15 2011, 04:45:40 UTC
[It doesn't surprise him to hear a teacher could have such power as to stand up to the Doctor in Mayfield. He has already seen the occupation of bartender taken by several Servants, after all.]

[The thought of derailing his investigation for a talk does make him hesitate, but the prospect of giving more information of his own in the streets is never considered.]

[Talking through phone would be helpful, but while Kiritsugu has been in the habit of checking his for taps, he doesn't know who could be listening on other parts of the house, be it his or Ciel's. He doesn't have the most trusted housemates.]

[Given how they're still in Kramden Road, he's not that far from his home. With a concise nod towards Ciel, he deposits the cigarette for later use and picks up the cages, slowly walking towards the door of his house.]


expiatrice October 15 2011, 05:40:51 UTC
Mm. Much obliged. [She gives a small nod and follows him wordlessly. She maintains a neutral stance, but there is a quiet seriousness that would come across as unusual to those more accustomed to her calm and cheerful persona. Her steps are also paced and regular, if he's listening and paying attention. She really has no hostile intentions nor any desire to antagonize him, but knowing how secretive and attentive he is, it may be best to give him the space he wants and be "open" about what she does too, so to minimize any factors that could generate suspicion.]


maguskiller October 15 2011, 22:05:48 UTC
[Upon entering the house, Kiritsugu waits until Ciel enters to close the door. He does not speak yet. Not until he spends the next few seconds examining the surrounding rooms for inhabitants.]

Did you learn anything from your recon during the last incident?


expiatrice October 17 2011, 06:01:25 UTC
[She'll follow and wait till he feels it's fine to talk.]

I was not present, but I know that the hospital has been attacked. Mss Susan Sto Helit who teaches English Literature at Mayfield High was the one who dealt with the zombified assailant. She fits the description; the man on the phone also admitted to having been defeated by her. [Her gaze is quiet, but also lightly inquisitive. She knows he's the other one mentioned; would he tell, if she asked about what happened?]


maguskiller October 17 2011, 08:25:44 UTC
I see.

[Kiritsugu isn't in the habit of giving out information without a prompt. He knows where this is going, but he wants Ciel to ask the question. To be the one to cross that line. After all, while the War undoubtedly called for it, Kiritsugu hasn't revealed he's willing to kill conscious human beings in Mayfield. Having given a relatively normal impression to her, Ciel at least has the chance to preserve a morally sound image of him right now.]

[Of course, the wariness that would come with the revelation is a considerable source of worry, and given his carefulness, the main reason he hasn't come out yet, but given how obvious his part in this is, it is also ultimately futile.]


expiatrice October 17 2011, 11:32:59 UTC
[...The sheer irony here being, of course, that under normal circumstances, she would wish for the exact same thing. Not everyone in Mayfield has been exposed to it, but those who know about both her cheerful and talkative side as well as her cold and professional one can likely vouch for how jarring the differences may be, almost as distinctive as night and day. If possible, she'd also like to only present and conserve her "normal" image for as long as she can, but the very nature of this place and her actual profession already made it pointless to hide her true competence. For these reasons, she came to rarely, if not never, make use of her Mystic Eyes; there's just no point to alter and erase others' memories about her when all's said and done in Mayfield.

Plus, Burial Agents as a whole are known for employing heretical and immoral means. They are reputed to use any method necessary in order to reach their goals, which is the reason why they are feared by the Church itself. ...Really, everyone's being hypocritical, but getting the signs, she shall step up - figuratively speaking, and come break the ice.]

He asked for two individuals. Miss Susan set aside, a man fitting your description was also given. [She doesn't convey it as a question, but rather a plain statement. He's welcome to challenge and/or deny it if he wishes, but if he doesn't, she will go ahead and take his silence as wordless acknowledgment and confirmation.]


maguskiller October 17 2011, 22:49:50 UTC
...The Doctor, as he called himself, is not too distant from most magi. He believes he is working for a cause: advancing his own knowledge.

And also like them, he believes no price is too big for that goal.

I'm still not capable of fighting against the people who keep us in this place, but I aim to have as many people as possible survive until then.

[There's another motive, of course. One that far surpasses this one in importance. He figures there's no use in mentioning it. A lesson he remembers from his assistant's final moments.]

Your suspicions are correct.


expiatrice October 18 2011, 03:47:28 UTC
Do you know where he lives? With the house number, it would be easy to uncover his real name in the town records.

...Hm. [Her eyelids droop a little, but out of the flat understanding variant. Oh, those kind. Normal executors deal with them. Burial Agents less, since they handle direct threats coming from Dead Apostles period, but when it gets bad, they are sometimes involved. At any rate, Ciel's seen enough records.]

Please keep in mind that the emotional strain may outweigh physical damage here, Emiya-san. Life has been cheapened with the concept of death made nonexistent. A body does not get accustomed to pain, but continuously dying will ultimately twist or break the psyche while the body gets restored each time. Protecting anyone... is harder here.

[She gives a small and serious nod.] Can you tell me everything you know about him? He has not gone into details about matters, other than he wished to congratulate those who defeated him while he was an undead himself. Judging by the destruction that the hospital has suffered then, he should possess considerable ability, and with what he's revealed of his personality, a repeat is very well likely. [That's her assessment, anyway. She'll pause here: if she's wrong, he's free to correct her.]


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