It's the half-happiest time of the year...

Dec 17, 2007 11:10

(misheard lyrics by Son last year ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

annearchy December 17 2007, 17:53:16 UTC
Feel better soon! I was worried a couple weeks ago when my DD got the flu, hoping that she hadn't made any of the kids at church sick.


magicofisis December 17 2007, 22:45:15 UTC
Mostly I don't worry too much about spreading germs - it's Minnesota, it's winter, germs are out there. But with such a little baby... well, I just hope I didn't breath on her as much as she drooled on me!


abigail89 December 17 2007, 17:59:08 UTC
YAY! for the hubby's job bite and the party and the helpful kids.

BOO! for feeling like crap. My cold lingers and lingers and lingers. I'm so damn tired of blowing my nose.

And, really, it's not your fault if the baby gets sick. You didn't know.

I am so sorry, honey. Stay in bed and sleep. You need it. *hugs*


magicofisis December 17 2007, 22:49:24 UTC
I had a very lazy day, but wasn't comfortable enough to sleep. Still, I don't feel feverish anymore and that's a plus. So far, this illness isn't respiratory, so I'm holding out hope that I won't come down with what you got.

But helpful kids - OMG - they were just awesome with the little cousins (5 and almost 3 year old boys and infant girl). It was so nice that all the boys went and played downstairs and the rest of us got to not worry about them.


abigail89 December 18 2007, 04:50:42 UTC
I'm glad you got to spend some time in bed. That's just as good as sleeping imho. I hope you don't get the respiratory part of anything. Yuck.

Stay warm! And if you can, spend tomorrow in bed too.


florahart December 17 2007, 18:15:15 UTC
Ew being sick. *sends cool cloth and good drugs*

I seem to have a sinus monster going on today. I am unimpressed abut this because damn it, I am deliberately working half-days much of the month because for the first time in a LONG time, I have student coverage all break, and my vacation balance is such that each month I wind up losing a couple hours due to the cap. So I want my half days to be not because I feel like crap, but because, you know, free time off.


magicofisis December 17 2007, 22:52:22 UTC
I guess I should be thankful that my illness isn't respiratory (yet), because I am a veteran of many a sinus infection myself. *pets you* No, it's very bad to be spending days off feeling poorly.

But yay for hardworking students who actually show up and stuff!


kerryblaze December 17 2007, 19:41:00 UTC
Hope you feel better soon!!!

And keeping fingers crossed for hubby!


magicofisis December 17 2007, 22:53:46 UTC
Thanks. I'm trying to take it easy - too much to do the rest of the week.


shocolate December 17 2007, 22:10:54 UTC
Should I be worried about a feverish foreskin???

Go back to bed!


magicofisis December 17 2007, 22:55:06 UTC
Oh, please don't go there. No, I sort of remember it. It might possibly be fever-induced crack, but there isn't any illness involved, as far as I know.


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