It's the half-happiest time of the year...

Dec 17, 2007 11:10

(misheard lyrics by Son last year)

So it's December 17th, my shopping isn't done, my baking isn't started, I hosted a thrown-together Christmas party yesterday for Hubby's relatives on his dad's side so the house is a mess. Why am I still in bed at 11:15? Oh, it must be the flu! Or something like it. Yuk. I no longer feel like I'm going to die (that was last night at about 9 pm), but it's not looking too good, either. I hate being sick.

So last Friday, Hubby asks if we can try to do Christmas with his dad, grandma and cousins on Sunday. I say, "sure". Saturday, he asks if it can be at our house. I swallow hard and say "okay" because it's just snacks and his cousin has offered to bring stuff. Sunday I wake up feeling "off", but don't identify it as sickness - just sort of stiff and sore. We have a nice visit with the relatives, I spend some time, but not too much, holding the cousin's six month old baby, and they leave at about 7 pm. Hubby goes off to drive his dad home, and I start to clean up, aware that I am moving in slow motion. I knock my half-full cup of soda off the counter with my elbow, and as I crawl around trying to clean it up, I start feeling really woozy. Took temp - 101 degrees. Thanked children for being helpful with party, asked them to get their own dinner ("I don't care what you eat - cookies are fine") and went to bed.

I'm not nearly as worried about cookies for dinner as I am about that baby - I'll feel terrible if she comes down sick.

On the plus side, the kids' pictures with Santa turned out very cute.

Oh, and another plus - Hubby got a nibble from a resume he sent to well-known software company. They sent him an "application" to complete and return (although he said it was more like a written interview), and he actually sent it back late last night. It would be a really good opportunity for him because this software package is the one big hole he has in the software development side of his resume, so if he worked there and learned the package intimately, he could go work for his friend who has a successful consulting business in a few years. He's been doing the hardware/network side of IT for about four years now, and it's just not a good match with his skills, so I think he'd be much happier working in software development again. Please keep fingers crossed, as I'd prefer that he leave his neurotic boss current situation sooner rather than later.

Got hit with a plot bunny for shocolate's Holy Foreskin Fest at hp_funnyfest in the middle of the night, but now I can't remember it. I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a bit and see if I can capture it back.

Hope you're all better than I am!


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