I finally got around to making some icons again :D Some of them were made for an awesome HP battle I did with fulminant and nupmetal at theiconquest! You can see their icons here. Also; I've wanted to make some Moulin Rouge icons for quite some time (because there really aren't enough around) but I always found the caps so hard to work with
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It's been a while since I made any textures, but I got inspired by the7days' challenge and made a set in what I hoped would turn out as pale, winter colours. Hope you'll find them useful :) And happy holidays ♥
Anyone up for an icon battle today? :D It's been a while since I made any icons at all and I'm feeling a little uninspired, but I would love to start it up again. And I'm not going anywhere soon because I messed up my knee lol. So, anyone interested? My interests are pretty much all over this community, but I'm open for any suggestions as well.
[15] Tangled [20] Various icons made for elea24 (who generously donated at owemebreakfast for the Queensland fundraiser) Including Lord of the Rings, Merlion, fashion