Had a great time at Norwescon.. It had it's ups and some pretty big downs but by Sunday all was forgotten and I was feeling myself. I did re deactivate facebook since it still belongs to someone else and I don't want to tempt myself to pry. Anyways back to work...~hugs~
My first day back at work was uneventful to say the least. It was the coming home exhausted and sore that was the worst... At least I only have three more days of this until Norwescon.. ~beams~
I really need to figure out what I want out of life. Do I want love, do I want a career, a family, a home, an education? I also need to figure out which is the most important.
My day to day life is following the games, comments, and mindless updates of friends on Facebook. Therefore in order to force myself to connect more and reach out I deactivated my Facebook. I may at some point decide to return, but for now I have plenty of phone numbers and emails to reach out with. I may just find the old me...