So I finally did it, flist. I've been threatening to do it for ages (not here, but in the big bad real world) and today I followed through.
I watched Twilight.
It's requiring all the strength I have not to go out to the store and buy the book. Not because I want to or because I think it'll be especially good but... I don't know. I must. The
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Comments 23
Okay, let me share my Twilight story. I was curious. I dabbled a bit in college. I read the first book and really liked it. Then i read the second one and was like, oh. OK. Then the third one and was like, wtf??? Then I couldn't bring myself to read the fourth one and instead I forced my friend to tell me what happened because I didn't think I could read it w/o gouging my eyes out.
If you want to read them, I say do it. But I wouldn't buy them. Borrow them from a friend or from the library first. And read all of them before you make any purchases. I say that because after the first one was over I couldn't even remember WHY in the world I liked it. The writing is weaksauce and the backstories on the other other vampires may be interesting but they don't connect in any way with the plot.
But that's just my two cents!
Edit: Meant to reply to the entry, but oh well SAME THING.
Am I totally confused or did you once link to something that basically said Twilight is ridiculous and stupid and let us laugh? Or was that another flister? Because now that I actually know what people are talking about, I want to read it.
I did think parts of it (book and movie) were good, or had potential, but it just took itself SO. SERIOUSLY. I like that JKR knows hen to poke fun at her world, and pokes fun at the real world too. The hints of satire and gentle humor make a book about wizards flying around so much more enjoyable to digest.
The thing I do like about the series most is that all the secondary characters have so much potential and just enough glimpses of backstory that it is a fanfic writers dream. Almost anything can be a missing moment, because Bella lives in a bubble.
In my opinion Meyer kinda throws away all that potential and it all just falls apart... I think it was ladybracknell who said after the fourth book "Its as if she had cavier and salmon in the fridge and she served us spam!"
The fandom is really diverse. You have the hard core "OMG I LOVE EDWARD AND BELLA!!!11!!1!" fans and then you have the people who have the ability to look at it and say "Well, these books are poorly written, but lets look past it to dicuss" and then there are the people purely in it for the lulz.
Either way, Jasper/Alice are far superior to Edward/Bella :)
I like the spam line. hee! Poor Meyers, maybe she just needed a better editor? Aw, wasted potential makes me sad.
Know of any good Jasper/Alice recs? I think I'll just... dabble a bit. Gotta kill time before the next movie comes out, after all.
Reading Between the Lines by brynna82 is a collection of Jasper/Alice one shots. It's 36 parts long so far (and counting), but as they are all out of order and random moments, you don't need to keep reading continuously ;)
The Sum of Him by keeper_of_stars. Alice has never once been afraid of the man she calls her husband.
Inevitable by sirenprincess. Guilt overwhelms Jasper as Alice silently stews.
Check out alicejasperff for more :)
My own are over in my fic comm, but I prefer the ones above to anything I've written :)
It's like I'm a drug dealer...
*is horrified*
*still refuses*
*snuggles you*
I read Twilight (Thank God I stopped there) two years ago, I think, and I was overwhelmed by the utter ridicolousness of it all. No wit,lame romance, one dimensional characters (see Bella), poor writing (the only adjective Meyer used to describe Edward was sparkly! Have you never heard of synonims?Or of Thesaurus?).
I could go on to no end,but it's better if I stop here. I agree with the others: this novel had potential, but it was misused.
I hope I didn't sound too bitter.
I will defend the movie a bit, though, because for it's flaws it was very entertaining. I had a lot of fun watching it.
Facts and Fictions by i_am_girlfriday (Rosalie, gen)
Ten Random Facts about Emmett Cullen by peki (Emmett/Rosalie)
Okay, that makes it look as though I'm a big Emmett/Rosalie fan, but I'm not, really - those two just happened to be really well-written so I kept them.
I do like Edward/Bella, although I'm not particularly interested in Bella (damn, she's whiny) and Edward only because of all that history. Actually that's why all the vampires interest me. And yes, Alice is my favourite aside from Edward. I had this whole Alice bunny right after reading the first three books ... but it's still hopping feebly in my WIP files.
All in all ... I enjoyed Twilight, but it just doesn't have the appeal that, say HP, did.
Edward is definitely a lot more interesting than Bella. At least, based on the movie alone that's what I think. Because Edward does have moments when he's quite charming (though for me the whole stalker/killer thing would outweigh that).
And if your Alice fic ever makes it out of your WIP files, you can be sure I'll be a reader.
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