
May 07, 2006 22:01

I don't know if I can snark any more threads from the childhate board. The last time I browsed through it, I just ended up shouting "Fuck you!" uncontrollably while giving avatars the finger. Not good ( Read more... )

fanfic, childhate, anthony head

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Comments 2

tweedisgood May 7 2006, 22:27:49 UTC
Can anyone out there explain to me why, when Xander gets powered up in a fanfic, he usually turns into an asshole who hates Buffy's guts? I mean, is this some kind of jealous fanboy wish-fulfilment thing?

In a word, yes. It's revenge on her for not choosing the author's self-insert XanderSue Xander instead of the vamps/Riley, and the Scoobies for making him the Zeppo. Probably no worse than all the "Buffy weeps at how she cruelly abused poor widdle defenseless St. Spikey and vows to make it up to him forever and ever" stuff.

My reaction to the pouch is much the same as yours. Brave Tony (though I gather he tried to get out of doing it) but a bit tasteless, though come to think of it, taste and LB sort of mutually exclusive...


madra_liath May 8 2006, 00:01:33 UTC
In a show that features an elderly lady copiously pissing herself in supermarkets, it's pretty much par for the course ;-)

And I agree with your explanation for Super Asshole Xander. Fucking fanboys.


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