
Apr 14, 2006 10:12

Well, I ate the head off Kittenmommy in the childfree thread at GAFF ( Read more... )


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Comments 22

Sorry, posted under hub's lj by mistake! tweedisgood April 14 2006, 09:48:21 UTC
I would *never* say "oh, you'll change your mind". The kind of people who honestly think kids ruin your life shouldn't become parents and I wouldn't want them to. In any case, parenthood is such phenomenal hard work that I hesitate to recommend it, in all honesty.

Easter Sunday.


Re: Sorry, posted under hub's lj by mistake! madra_liath April 14 2006, 09:54:07 UTC
In any case, parenthood is such phenomenal hard work that I hesitate to recommend it, in all honesty.

Heh, yeah, my own mother would probably agree - even now she doesn't know how she coped with three children under five.

Still, I doubt she'd call it "a stupid, lousy decision that ruin[ed her] body, health and life".

Must go to Mass tonight.


fierynotes April 14 2006, 12:41:27 UTC
She did WHAT?

(Reads thread.)

I'm sorry, I'm CF myself, but Kittenmommy just made me want to sire a bunch of illegitimate children, all by different mothers, raise them feral, and drop them in her living room. (But then, most of cf_hardcore makes me want to do that.)

I'm tempted to start a thread called "OMG Parenthood Iz Teh Bestest Thing EVAH!!!eleventy!!!" just to see how people react. I'll be in the corner eating troll patches until that urge subsides.


phineas7 April 14 2006, 14:38:04 UTC
*grins* Dooo eeet!

No,no, forget I said that! I've been shit-stirring far too much lately. Does this mean I'm a troll too? Damn this handbasket!

Got any spare patches?


hurrikaty April 14 2006, 21:16:55 UTC
Oooh! Oooh! Can I be first in line for a crazy redheaded baby?


phineas7 April 14 2006, 14:35:03 UTC
Hee! Good going there. She was surpassing her usual level of stupid. However, she did own up to being a hypocrite, which is such a rare event on GAFF that I think I should send up flares.

Funny how I "stormed" the thread to defend parenthood, when I don't recall even mentioning tht I had a kid until page 23. These CFers are a paranoid bunch, aren't they? Or maybe I'm uninformed and there are breeder vigilante groups out there looking for CFs to persecute.


oespt April 14 2006, 21:47:53 UTC
Hmm. I want to pack up my uterus and go home now. :P

Seriously though, all we CFers aren't so rabid, retarded, and...and..damn it I've run out of r words. Where the fuck's my Scrabble dictionary? Ahhh, fuck it. We aren't all batshit insane.

Alright we aren't all THAT batshit insane.

....I think I'll just carve out my reproductive organs with a butterknife and be done with it all. o.O;



madra_liath April 15 2006, 19:31:57 UTC
Seriously though, all we CFers aren't so rabid, retarded, and...and..damn it I've run out of r words. Where the fuck's my Scrabble dictionary? Ahhh, fuck it. We aren't all batshit insane.

Oh, I know there's plenty of CF folks who are completely sane. (Or at least, not as fanatical as some of the folks currently performing at GAFF for our amusement.) It's just, the offensiveness of branding pregnancy a "stupid, lousy decision that ruins [women's] bodies, health and lives" is, frankly, staggering. Because, coupled with Kittenmommy's earlier remarks to Squirrelly, about who she's "trying to convince" about parenting having rewarding aspects, it's basically implying that parenting is a horrible, thankless chore, all parents secretly resent their children, and if you actually (gasp!) chose to have kids, then you're deluded.

And as someone who only moved out of her parents' house less than a year ago, that rubbed me all wrong.


madra_liath April 15 2006, 19:26:10 UTC
However, she did own up to being a hypocrite, which is such a rare event on GAFF that I think I should send up flares.

Yeah, at least that's something.

If only we could get BlueMondays to do the same.


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madra_liath April 15 2006, 19:37:22 UTC
One could have a neutral opinion on the topic of children, I suppose, but you're either a parent, person who wants to be a parent in the future, or you're CF.

Yeah, there certainly isn't at least one twenty-something single woman who's "meh" on the idea of kids in there.

I DO have a neutral opinion on children, in that I acknowledge they can be little brats, but I also know they can be sweet, funny and well-behaved. I don't know yet if I want any. What I can't understand is this sense of being persecuted that some CFers have *cough*BlueMondays*cough*, or this idea that parents are to be pitied because they've fucked up their lives.

If it's wrong (and I agree that it is) to pester the childfree about when they're going to have kids, then it's wrong to pity and look down on parents, too.


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madra_liath April 15 2006, 20:59:18 UTC
There's a huge difference between spouting off on a community specifically for rants of a particular type and doing the same on a mixed community that has a different purpose. On a mixed comm, people will be offended, and there's no need to be abrasive in one's posts. On a comm designed for CF rants, one should expect to find material that isn't parent-friendly and child-friendly, and as long as the TOS is followed and all that, DL;DR applies.


If it's abusive or negligent parenting, or other asinine behavior like screaming at a hostess because all the high chairs are in use, that's fair game.

I completely agree. Being a parent doesn't make you immune to being a bastard and an asshole.


denimjo April 14 2006, 21:15:02 UTC
Well, I'm child-free, and intend to stay that way because I know I'd be a bad parent. I have no problem with other people choosing to have them, though, just so long as they make certain that their children are well-behaved around me.

I have no idea why on earth reproduction is such a hot topic right now. I should think with the world being so close to becoming dangerously overpopulated, the fact that there are people who are choosing not to have children would be a good thing.

To be honest, anyone who hears the reason that someone is choosing to be child free is that they know they'll be a terrible parent and tries to convince them otherwise has me seriously questioning their sanity.


natterfly April 14 2006, 21:28:34 UTC
I have no problem with other people choosing to have them, though, just so long as they make certain that their children are well-behaved around me.

I don't understand this. Show me a parent who can be 100% (absolutely, fully, bet their life on it) certain that their child is going to behave, and I'll show you a kid doped up on sedatives. Surely, you'd be a little bit forgiving of a bit of hyperactivity or an inappropriate level of noise? They're children, not Furbys.


denimjo April 14 2006, 21:39:31 UTC
Maybe I should have stated it a little bit better, sorry. The kind of behavior that I cannot stand is when children who are old enough to know better (say, 4 and up) go around grabbing/stealing food from people who are eating, or punch other children (or adults) when they're mad knowing that it's wrong, or just start screaming as loud as they can when they don't get their way (crying or whining I have no problem with. After all, they are *kids*. But shrieking at the top of their lungs? Unacceptable.).

I have no problem with kids being kids, but being obnoxious and purposely disruptive? That's a problem. My 4-year-old nephew (whom I love dearly) has this problem with hitting people and since he gets no discipline for it, he's becoming worse as time goes by and this is driving me nuts ( ... )


phineas7 April 15 2006, 12:26:51 UTC
To be honest, anyone who hears the reason that someone is choosing to be child free is that they know they'll be a terrible parent and tries to convince them otherwise has me seriously questioning their sanity.

I completely agree with this, Denimjo. The issue with this thread, (one of the many), is that NO ONE is arguing that point, but that a fair number of the CFs are pretending that someone, anyone, is.


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