Well, he's been turned into a tiger before - including all the stuff about slipping into animal behaviours - Anny Manley Haight did it in around 2001... Any particular reason you want to try this beyond the " to see if I can"?
Any particular reason you want to try this beyond the " to see if I can"?
I've had some theories about the early Watchers for a while and I think this would be an opportunity to work some of them into a fic. Also, I've had the villain lying around for a while, and he might make a better s6 Big Bad than "Willow on magic crack". Plus, part of the fic would be about exploring Giles' relationship with the Scoobies.
I wasn't aware that anyone had done something like this before (though I did read the story where Giles got turned into a were-tiger, many years ago), and I won't read that fic till I get this idea out of my system for fear of unconsciously lifting ideas from it.
I probably will write this (or bits of this) anyway: it's just a question of "do I publish?" Half of me says turning characters into animals is really childish, and the other half says "but not if it's done right!" The reason I'm asking about this is I would hate to put something up on the 'Net and have 99% of the people who read it go "Oh my God, this idea is so
Comments 5
I've had some theories about the early Watchers for a while and I think this would be an opportunity to work some of them into a fic. Also, I've had the villain lying around for a while, and he might make a better s6 Big Bad than "Willow on magic crack". Plus, part of the fic would be about exploring Giles' relationship with the Scoobies.
I wasn't aware that anyone had done something like this before (though I did read the story where Giles got turned into a were-tiger, many years ago), and I won't read that fic till I get this idea out of my system for fear of unconsciously lifting ideas from it.
I probably will write this (or bits of this) anyway: it's just a question of "do I publish?" Half of me says turning characters into animals is really childish, and the other half says "but not if it's done right!" The reason I'm asking about this is I would hate to put something up on the 'Net and have 99% of the people who read it go "Oh my God, this idea is so
You can have fun writing a scene in which he desperately tries to avoid being eaten by an oblivious (and hungry!) Buffy.
You can have fun writing a scene in which he desperately tries to avoid being eaten by an oblivious (and hungry!) Buffy.
That's an image that'll stay with me for some time.
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