Turned to Stone. - (Quantum Time Travel, Part One: CROP CIRCLES)

Jan 04, 2024 16:23

Boy.  I really expected to be out the door by 11:am, (my time).  But, as I got ready, I just got more and more deeply fatigued.

By noon, I thought I was still on my way, but I ended up collapsing into sleep until 1:30pm.  It is now almost 3:pm and I am making dinner.  Day lost: Going to cafe, going to library/print/mail, going to community meal, checking gas price downtown, AND - getting away from monsters.  Oh, well.  We'll see what I can get done today and tomorrow.  And, then, I'll just skip out to library for printing, and come back home.  When and if it's ready to get printed.  Because getting real work done here is so difficult, while these people still might be buggering me.

Currently making Indian veggies with rice.  Former from a mix, plus my own additions.  Mix is 6 gram sugar / serving.  Which is my idea of ridiculous.  It seems, the only idea I ever have...  Which brings us to the heavy side of this post...

Every object, (a form of energy), is a slight perturbation in the space/time continuum. And, so, it also has its own gravity signature or imprint. As I say in another (incomplete) post, gravity helps unite all these perturbations into a coherent and simple system call reality, or space-time... Meaning, it places things into a space, and into one shared time. So, all these perturbations exist in one assumed time.

Gravity is like entropy, in that it upholds in space a uniform time, (relatively). Unlike entropy, it does so in an orderly, synthetic way. Entropy does it through progressively increasing chaos or randomness. So, gravity and entropy are opposite, yet similars - contrapositives. Light - the uniform speed of light - is the end result of all this time-keeping. Except that light also includes the conformity of the quanta realm - quantum flux - into the macro realm. Light is the happy medium - the golden mean. If you want to know where real, critical change is happening, you find it in light, which is the "nitrous oxide" of electricity.

The quantum realm is not like this. It does not have to account to itself for any uniformed time or space. The most it has to do is, when it impinges on the macro realm, has to show some coherence, if even across thousands or millions of miles, or minutes. Which isn't a lot to ask of it. Otherwise, the quantum realm is all about uncertainty and potentiality, especially relative to the macro, until small parts of it are collapsed into macro time/space via some observer. When you think about it, it is precisely because the macro DOES keep time that the quantum does not, generally speaking. Because the macro is orderly, the quantum is unpredictable, and vice versa - just as every particle is a wave, and vice versa - yet neither.

So... The quantum world is consistently weird. Any particular smaller than an atom is inherently weird. It is in their nature to be weird. Weirdness is an a priori necessity. A condition for, "existence." And simultaneous nonexistence. If all quantum particles are weird - why? What does this mean? It means non of them are tuned to any local time, BUT, are tuned to something. That something is the general entanglement with most other particles in the universe, whereby communication passes outside of the speed of light. There already is the possibility of folds in space time - and this is it.

One or two quanta measured to be entangled with one or to others, thousands of miles away - this is just an observed example of what is happening everywhere - quantum flux, timelessness, bleeding into the macro realm. So, quantum paricles entangled across the universe? This already IS a fold in the fabric of space-time. This already is a wormhole. So, to somehow tap and manage this on a higher scale, then we can come up with time and space travel, beyond the speed of light. It will become possible by the involvement of large electromagnetic toroidal vortexes, as exist in flying saucers. We can learn to make these by studying the nature of water and the human heart.

The foo-fighters (little bright orbs) we see around crop circles, jet planes, or the famous doomed Malaysian flight seem to me to be plausible, and involved in such transversing folds in space-time. And here are 2 comments made with btripp in a recent entry...

2. Crop circles weird me out. Almost every other type of metaphysical phenomena I have a model for. Having rejected out of hand the "farm guys with a board" theorem, I don't have something plausible to slot in there. I would accept that these were human-made, but not in the time frame (overnight) they happen ... the simplest circles, perhaps, but these massive glyphs with complex mathematical relationships, no. I've seen a video of small balls of light whipping around a field, but that just takes the mystery one level removed. Space Aliens with a grain-flattening ray is mighty hard to swallow ... raising more questions than it answers. I'm almost ready to (given the neighborhood where much of these appear) chalk it up to the "wee people" who have figured out this is a fun way to mess with the humans.

madmann01 at 2024-01-03 22:56 (local) (Lien)...

2 - I have had pretty much the same thoughts re: crop circles. So, then you have to bring in contextual info, like - wtf are UFOs? Etc. I know that several have been man made, like by that Irish photographer/land-artist, NVDEA - and probably that one preceding the TV series or movie, not sure.

But the ones made overnight? How do we know that the farmer's, or planted "observers", were not paid to say this? How do we know that those fast videos were not fabricated? And maybe those orbs were store grocery bags.

But, taking the hypothesis that some could have been made by ETs... or even by AI elites...

A beam would not be necessary. What is needed is something like finely attenuated geolocation, through some fold in space-time. Then you send out the orbs (foo-fighters) which, by triangulation, direct some kind of microwave-gathering energy field onto the crops. This alters the structures of some cells at some specified height, and also involves some kind of radiation, (and metals, possibly biproducts, possibly not).

You recall the foo-fighters in the Malaysian flight (370) video? This is support, showing how they could apparently transport energy through folds in space/time. Conversely, "foo-fighters" seen with crop circles, etc., are support that the Malaysian flight video was not manufactured propaganda. But there is also support that it was. They also occur close to important energy lay-lines.

The above are hypotheses. Little people is also a contender, but some aliens are also little, in theory. Crop circles may have been around for a long while. But there is no doubt we are headed for crises, so it makes sense there should be more of them now.

The messages in crop circles are quite compelling and real. But, are these from elites, fucking with us, or from some sort of superintelligent beings who actually care? I don't see why the latter needs to be impossible.

And here is that video showing the foo fighters allegedly disappearing that airplane -

and more...

parascientific - crop circles, s- 'quantum time-travel (2024 series), ++, physics - quantum entanglement

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