BIG BROTHER Knows What's Best for 'You!'

Jan 05, 2024 08:06

First, a note about playing past videos from "".  They stopped working on some sites, so a new site was created by Alex Jone and company., identical to the former.  If you did want to see one from the former, all you had to do was to replace "" with "" and then the whole video url would work.  WELL, has now been banned on some sites, so yet another NEW site had to be created, to get around the banning.  So,  if you want the older videos to work on your phone, now replace "" with ""...   IF YOU WANT TO SEE SEVERAL MORE GOOD VIDEOS ON THE EPSTEIN FILES, GO HERE:

I recently posted about the illegal coup which has largely involved the FBI and the DOJ.  Do you want links on FBI as BIG BROTHER?  I've got links on that - and on surveillance by the NSA, CIA, Big Tech (which gives the info to the Feds), and so on!  Because, for years, I have seen this illegal surveillance and control to have been deeply unethical, anti-American, destructive to democracy and economy, and perversely RAPIST in mentality.  Eve when Assange, Snowden and Greenwald alienated most Dems simply because they exposed crimes by Clinton and Podesta, I NEVER gave up on these whistleblowers, who are even more important today than they were back then.  And I formed the LJ wiki_truth, exposing media and government surveillance and rising fascist tactics of control.  This site has seen various stages of activity over the years, and I do not give up on it now.  Below, you will find many, many links and videos which might fit in just fine over at wiki_truth but, since more and more crimes have been coming into the public domain, these links can now be posted right here.  These are horrible, challenging times - with a public whose collective brain has grown fat on misinformation and propaganda and tripe.  And, I don't care which party is doing it, elections have clearly been manipulated and rigged - as, indeed, a slow-moving coup has been destroying this country.  So, down below are links on BIG BROTHER, on THE FBI as Big Bother and on the bullshit fabrication referred to JANUARY 6, which now has many innocent people in jail or solitary confinement for no good reason - some for 15 years to come.  It is beyond me how people want to ignore what has been happening on every front, but I guess they think the world is working as cleaning and quickly as a computer or cellphone, and truth is served up, tailor-made, just at the push of a button.  And, now, so many people's judgment has been fucked up by the BIOWEAPON "VACCINES."  1980's greed and debt, and blind narcissistic abuse, have destroyed American ethics, and we have to stop buying into it - we have to stop wanting to be loved by proving we can be more popular than the next guy.  We've got to stop expecting and projecting love when it is not love but CONTROL and demonic, evil POSSESSION! Wake up! The elites are actively TRYING TO KILL YOU!


The NSA Built a Secret, Warrantless, Shadow "Social Network" and You’re Already On It

Global Surveillance Industry Database Helps Track Big Brother Worldwide | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

‘Rule 41’ change allows FBI ‘mass surveillance’ if Congress does nothing (VIDEO) - RT America

Has Big Brother taken over YOUR printer...and secretly made sure it can only use ink more expensive than champagne?   | Daily Mail Online

Surveillance under Obama worse than Stasi - Oliver Stone - RT America

Eye in the sky: the billionaires funding a surveillance project above Baltimore | World news | The Guardian

ACLU takes on Fisa court over secret decisions on surveillance laws | Law | The Guardian

Secret Documents May Soon Unveil Truth Behind How Government Is Spying On You


What You Aren’t Being Told About Government Surveillance on DAPL Protesters

US Govt Now Asking Travelers for Facebook and Twitter Profiles to Feed Surveillance State

Access denied | Psychology Today

Obama Quietly Signs 2017 NDAA Over Holiday Weekend

Google is Quietly Recording Everything You Say -- Here's How to Hear It, Delete It, and Stop It

With Rule 41 the FBI Is Now Officially the Enemy of All Computer Users : The Corbett Report

Today, the FBI becomes a global enemy to every computer user

Big Brother Is Watching | Psychology Today

New rules grant FBI, DEA & CIA access to raw NSA surveillance data

The NSA can now share unfiltered surveillance data with other intelligence agencies

Obama Quietly Signs The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Into Law

New video details how SPIES on your most private thoughts, fetishes and conversations

'Big brother' mind reading is inevitable experts warn

Rule by Brute Force: The True Nature of Government : Waking Times

48 Questions the FBI Uses to Determine if Someone Is a Likely Terrorist

Did the Government Spy on Trump? Of Course - Here’s How We Know

Wisconsin aims to be first state to test for drugs over Medicaid

Personal details of nearly 200 million US citizens exposed - BBC News

m i n d c o n t r o l . . . . .

Evidence points to Ft. Lauderdale shooter being “Jason Bourned” with mind altering psychiatric drugs and ISIS video indoctrination by U.S. intelligence operatives -

Problem loading page

PRIVACY / right to be wrong

Zadie Smith says using social media would threaten her writing | Books | The Guardian

How 'the invisible network' poses a major security threat - BBC News

Privacy / Internet control

Five States Are Considering Bills to Legalize the 'Right to Repair' Electronics - Motherboard

Building privacy right into software code


Article: Final Whistleblower TEDx Talk from Historic TEDx Willmington Salon Released on International Human Right's Day | OpEdNews

Wikileaks has denied Russia was source for DNC leaks 5 TIMES - Media still refuses to report it | NewZSentinel

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Emails Leaked By Pissed Bernie Backer, Not Russia | HNN - Higgins News Network

‘Revealing such a secret takes your life away’ - UBS whistleblower [VIDEO]

Anonymous Just Hacked Bilderberg & Issued Ominous Threat - ‘Work for Humanity’ Or Lose It All


Article: Free Julian Assange!: Trump's First Presidential Act Should Reward the Man Who Handed Him the Election | OpEdNews

WikiLeaks Encourages More Leakers: If We Got Dem Emails Earlier, Sanders Would Be Nominee | Mediaite

Julian Assange says he is '1,000% confident' Russia was not the source for hacked emails | Daily Mail Online

WikiLeaks Just Announced Plan to Sue CNN for Defamation

Latest Phoenix VA Whistleblower Alleges Retaliation

5 Controversial Whistleblowers You Should Be Following on Social Media

WikiLeaks Wins Credibility Contest With CIA 83% to 17% -

Julian Assange Bombshell: WikiLeaks Will Blow The World Away in 2017

Assange Tells Hannity: "Big Powerful Actors Want Revenge" - Full Interview

Obama Urged To End Snowden’s ‘untenable exile’

WikiLeaks on Twitter: "Assange lawyer @themtchair on Assange-Manning extradition 'deal': "Everything that he has said he's standing by.""


Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, has Sweden appeals court reject bid to drop rape investigation - CBS News

Assange's long stand-off with Swedish justice

Assange's mental, physical health deteriorating under embassy confinement - medical records - RT News

Swedish court upholds arrest warrant for Julian Assange - CNET

Julian Assange Says Lengthy Embassy Stay Has Sharpened His Perspective On The World : The Two-Way : NPR

Army agrees to give Chelsea Manning gender reassignment surgery

Rights Groups Launch Campaign For Snowden Pardon

Pardon Edward Snowden, now | Jill Stein | Opinion | The Guardian

Article: @Snowden: Give That Man a Medal, Not a "Pardon" | OpEdNews

Edward Snowden hits out at critical report into his activities - BBC News

House urges Obama not to pardon Snowden, claims he is ‘not a whistleblower’ - RT America

Alleged hacker Lauri Love to be extradited to US - BBC News - John Bolenbaugh |

NEW!! NIST whistleblower speaks out on 9/11 Truth Movement

Whistleblowers Vs. The State


Surveillance under Obama worse than Stasi - Oliver Stone - RT America

NSA leaks - RT Trends

Snowden disclosures helped reduce use of Patriot Act provision to acquire emails | US news | The Guardian

Hong Kong refugees protest to call for Snowden pardon - News - The Guardian Nigeria

Opinion: Tech industry should lead Snowden pardon charge

FBI releases long held Tesla documents revealing FASCINATING details | Ancient Code

Oliver Stone’s Snowden: The NSA is “running a dragnet on the whole world” - World Socialist Web Site

Edward Snowden speaks live in 800 theaters across North America - World Socialist Web Site

Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald: The Men Who Leaked the NSA's Secrets - Rolling Stone

NSA contractor arrested for alleged theft of top secret classified information | US news | The Guardian

'Second Snowden': What We Know About the Arrested NSA Contractor

Yahoo secretly monitored emails on behalf of the US government - report | Technology | The Guardian

Yahoo may have let the government spy on emails. Now will we embrace encryption? | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian

Arrested contractor may have worked for NSA’s elite cyber spy unit

Snowden speechless: NSA whistleblower overwhelmed by push for presidential pardon

New Edward Snowden Interview: History Of Intelligence Agencies And The Surveillance State

Snowden claims report Russia may 'gift' him to Trump proves he is not a spy | US news | The Guardian


Soros gave Clinton step-by-step instructions on how to tackle Albania unrest - WikiLeaks email - RT America

Snowden suggests Russia behind NSA code hack | TheHill

WikiLeaks, too, claims to have NSA code | TheHill

State Department to release all of Clinton’s deleted emails | TheHill

Assange: DOJ set 'new standard' for Clinton | TheHill

Email leaks: Top government positions were SOLD to those who funneled money to the DNC -

Hackers say they're revealing more from trove of NSA data

Snowden: Exposure of alleged NSA tools may be warning to US (Update)

Snowden: "Journalists Are a Threatened Class" in Era of Mass Surveillance

Julian Assange Issues Statement On The US Election Day

WikiLeaks Documents Reveal Apollo Program Was A Fraud, Moon Landings Never Happened

WikiLeaks ‘will not respond to pressure’ from Ecuador’s presidential candidates - Assange

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

What the CIA WikiLeaks dump tells us: Encryption works

#Vault7: WikiLeaks release shows CIA ‘Grasshopper’ used stolen ‘Russian mafia’ malware

‘Everyone deserves love’: Pamela Anderson opens up about ‘affair’ with Julian Assange

Latest October Surprise WikiLeaks Emails: Joe Biden Mole, ‘Friends Of Hillary Clinton’ List, And Sanders Camp Slam

Julian Assange asks UK court to drop his arrest warrant - posted to wiki_truth Jan 26 2018

Julian Assange asks UK court to drop his arrest warrant - Exploring the truth behind & surrounding Wikileaks

Julian Assange asks UK court to drop his arrest warrant

Mystery as Julian Assange's Twitter VANISHES early on Christmas Day sparking a wave of conspiracy theories about whether the Wikileaks founder had 'been silenced'

Assange Reminds The World That Facebook Did Collude In 2016, But With Hillary

Assange accuses Spain of conducting ‘world’s first internet war’ to shut down Catalan referendum - RT News

Unredacted Clinton emails to be reviewed in court, despite State Dept. resistance - RT America

High Ranking CIA Agent Blows Whistle On The Deep State And Shadow Government

Chelsea Manning says she was denied entry into Canada - BBC News

NSA Leaker Called Trump A “Piece Of Shit”, Is A Fan Of Bernie Sanders | NewZSentinel

WikiLeaks: Global extinction in 20 years as magnetic north heads towards the equator | Ancient Code

Scientists have just detected a crack in Earth's magnetic shield | Ancient Code

Assange: Real Threat To US Is Not Russia But Israel | PopularResistance.Org

POLICE ABUSE / e n t r a p m e n t

Albuquerque Police Department to start manufacturing crack cocaine so they can arrest the people they sell it to -

Cops Go Back to Where They Killed Elijah McClain, Take Photos Sadistically ‘Reenacting’ His Murder

SWAT Team Blows Up Family’s Home in Search of a SHOPLIFTER-Supreme Court Says So What

Taxpayers to Be Held Liable After Cops Grope Woman, Beat The Hell Out of Her for Pulling Away

10 Cops Do Nothing as Officer Calls Woman a ‘F****g C**t’, Assaults Her for Legally Filming

Police Accountability

FBI's James Comey: 'There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America' | World news | The Guardian

npr cia spies on what can people do to avoid encryption talk in code march 8 2017 - Bing

Video: Police Kick Hungry Homeless Man and Customer Who Bought Him Food Out of McDonald's | The Daily Sheeple

US police abused database access to stalk innocent people - report - RT America

WATCH: Drug War Addicted Cops Attack Innocent Man for Rolling a Joint in a State With LEGAL Weed

While Trying to Kill a Family’s Dog, Cop Shoots 11-year-old Boy Instead

big brother

FBI Searched the Data of Millions of Americans Without Warrants - Slashdot

CDC Tracked Millions of Phones To See If Americans Followed COVID Lockdown Orders - Slashdot

Facebook Doesn't Know What It Does With Your Data, Or Where It Goes - Slashdot

Twitter Is Protecting Its Source Code From Disgruntled Employees, Reports Say - Slashdot

Frontier Lied About Internet Speeds and 'Ripped Off Customers', FTC Says - Slashdot

US Extradites Man Who Allegedly Sold Backdoored Phones For The FBI - Slashdot

Fastmail Gmail-Alternative | Stop Paying with Your Privacy

Google 'Private Browsing' Mode Not Really Private, Texas Lawsuit Says - Slashdot

US Secretly Issued Subpoena To Access Reporter's Phone Records - Slashdot

FBI Told Israel It Wanted Pegasus Hacking Tool For Investigations - Slashdot

Anonymous Social Media App Yik Yak Exposed Users' Precise Locations - Slashdot

DEA Investigating Breach of Law Enforcement Data Portal - Slashdot

... - Melanie - LiveJournal

Our democracy no longer represents the people. Here's how we fix it | Larry Lessig | TEDxMidAtlantic - YouTube

Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy - TPM - Talking Points Memo

China Wants All Social Media Comments To Be Pre-reviewed Before Publishing - Slashdot

FBI Says Fraud on LinkedIn a 'Significant Threat' To Platform and Consumers - Slashdot

Tim Berners-Lee Skeptical of Web3, Touts Decentralized Internet Without Blockchain - Slashdot

Facebook Agrees To Massive Settlement For Data Privacy Class Action Lawsuit - Slashdot

Jesse Ventura | 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read | Talks at Google - YouTube

CIA Launches First Podcast, 'The Langley Files' - Slashdot

New York To Install Surveillance Cameras in Every Subway Car - Slashdot

Pentagon Launches Effort To Assess Crypto's Threat To National Security - Slashdot

USPS admits to spying on Americans' social media posts

Postal Inspectors Have Been Illegally Spying on Americans

9-23-22 Hour 1 - The Post Office is Spying on us

Congress Kills Domestic NSA Phone Spying FISA Program

U.S. Post Office Spying On Everyone Who Sends Mail

9-23-22 Hour 1 - The Post Office is Spying on us

NTSB Wants Alcohol Detection Systems Installed In All New Cars In US - Slashdot

JUDGE ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO: Americans Should Carefully Watch The DEA And Its Usage Of ‘Graphite.’ Here’s Why | The Daily Caller

Twitter files publisher: 'Every conceivable wing' of federal enforcement sent censorship requests - YouTube

Australia is concerned it can't stop "misinformation" in private conversations

Tucker and Taibbi: CIA infiltrated Twitter and screwed us all using Russiagate as fig leaf... - Revolver News


Jan 6th Protest and Save America March

6:25 Tucker Carlson Takes On Jan 6th Inside Job as McCarthy Turns Over Footage The Alex Jones Show 22.3K views · a day ago

10:58 JANUARY SIXTH WAS AN INSIDE JOB! New Video Shows Undercover Cops All Over Capitol Riot The American Journal 623 views · 2 hours ago

27:26 Jim Hoft Breaks Down How McCarthy Footage Release Will Expose Jan 6th Inside Job The Alex Jones Show 171.1K views · a day ago

1:43 DC Cop Claims They Were Set Up on Jan 6th Jan 6th Protest and Save America March 14.4K views · 21 hours ago

Christopher Miller's Awkward Morning Joe Jan 6th Interview

Jan 6 Political Prisoners and the Inversion of Justice in America

EXCLUSIVE: See the Jan 6th Footage the Dems Do Not Want Tucker Carlson to Air

New Jan. 6 video shows police 'walk away' after black-clad men smash windows, FBI uninterested?

FBI Asked Under Oath If They Did January 6th | Answer Leaves Room SILENT

Rand Paul accuses Fauci of engaging in 'cover-up' of COVID origins as House GOP embarks on probe | Fox News

VIDEO: Rand Paul Destroys Anthony Fauci, Genocidal Maniac Now in Panic Mode

Exclusive: I Saw What Tucker Is Releasing Next

Highlights From Unseen J6 Footage That Destroys Democrat Lies And Turns The Story Around Completely

Senators Mitch McConnell And Chuck Schumer Both Want Tucker Carlson Taken Off Air

Deep State In Panic Mode as Jan 6th Evidence Proves it was an Inside Job

EXCLUSIVE: See the Jan 6th Footage the Dems Do Not Want Tucker Carlson to Air


EXCLUSIVE: Lawyers For Jan. 6th Political Prisoners Say Prosecutors Are Targeting Trump Next

IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation - They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

J6 Political Prisoner on GOP Cover-Up: 'Hey Kevin McCarthy, Where The Hell Is The F**** Footage From January 6 That You've Been Promising Everyone?' | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe

Dr. Lynn Fynn-derella🐭 on Twitter: "Deja Vu They (feds) love playing dress up. America is being played." / Twitter

Breaking Bombshell: FBI Whistleblower Says January 6th was an Administrative State Trap


Learn What Trump's Impending Arrest Over Jan 6th Means for the Future of America

FBI Whistleblower: Jan. 6th Capitol Breach Was Planned By Department of Homeland Security

Breaking Bombshell: FBI Whistleblower Says January 6th was an Administrative State Trap

Tucker Carlson releases exclusive Jan. 6 footage, says politicians, media lied about Sicknick, 'QAnon Shaman' | Fox News



bb - big brother / legislation, bb - big data, whistle-blowers / whistleblowers, bb - big pharma, bb - security - hamland/ homeland securi, bb - security - the ferret (fbi), bb - big tech, bb - surveillance, bb - security - cia, bb - security - nsa, #vault7

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