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Comments 4

bichoose October 22 2023, 20:20:33 UTC

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bichoose October 22 2023, 20:53:06 UTC
I remember looking up the word Wog in the English dictionary in my youth..and sniggering at the simple few words which said Oriental Gentlemen....today the word wog is hard to find in a dictionary...in my youth it was common to call any Asian a wog...whether you liked them or not it was like a word Cheshire Cheese..or pickled Onions ( ... )


madman101 October 22 2023, 22:58:21 UTC
Thank you. Very good comment. I did think of you and Manchester when I wrote this one. I appreciate the feedback very much. And, who knows where I will show up or ever really belong?

Take care, good night, and sign off with good wine.


btripp October 26 2023, 00:58:56 UTC

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