The Wog Factor.

Oct 22, 2023 13:46

I don't at all mean to demean an LJ friend of mine, who is one of the best!  But, this is a very interesting subject.  I do have thoughts that may seem offensive to him.  But they are just general observations or hypotheses.  I might just get those out of the way, first.  Mostly, this post is about anti-Wogism - a kind of anti-wokism which has been going on in England since the 19th Century, in regard first to people of African origin, and now applied more to people of Asiatic or Indian subcontinent origin.  By now, it might have nothing to do with skin-colour, I don;t know.  Although it is described as being extremely offensive term, it appears to have faded as such and, in Australia, the term is almost innocuous, used to refer to Mediterraneans.  Now, I think it mainly means, "Intrusive Outsiders," which, if the past skin-colour of your country has been pretty white, means that most intrusive outsiders will tend to have darker skin.  That's just how it shakes out.

This topic arose after I posted about M.I.A., who has been described as being woggish.  I probably have never known of this word until now.  I know, "Frogs."  And, "Limeys."  I once did a post, just on a lark, listing most of the derogatory labels of which I was aware.  Because.  Writing is usually a very good thing.  It lets everyone know that freedom is still possible, in some way, at least in theory.  M.I.A. has been someone who has been in opposition to American Empire all her life, although doing it with some kind of Panache. Maybe could be seen as subversive. Maybe seen as opportunistic.

First of all, I would like to sing the praises of empire. I have usually ranted and regaled against it in the past. (You can do a search of my LJ, of my tags, or see o_c_c_u_p_y, or see radman101, which, I admit, was a rather bad attempt). I have also insisted that I have been very appreciative to UK and American legacies, often associated with empire. I grew up listening to the BBC. My parents were, for intents and purposes, British, as well as Irish, just like all the very famous yet fucked up Irish writers and musicians.

Again, about writing... A big problem with the liberating social therapy or agitant of writing, is that the writer often might be blamed, hated, banned, even attacked - like some kind of messenger or victim. Or outsider or change-agent. Or even asshole or prophet. The devil inside.

But, I would be not much of an Irish writer, would I, if I didn't write about both the good and the bad, the real and the unreal, the divine and the profane. And - I wouldn't be much of an Irish man if I did not occasionally hold the English to account, after they ate my ancestors instead of their potatoes, right, lol?


I hope this post is amusing to you, because I try my best, and like when I can succeed. Nothing succeeds in getting the medicine through like sugar. More than this, I want you to get better! Even though sugar is BAD.

Back to empire...

We get all our best laws - laws which help protect the poor or the common people - laws which defend integrity and property - laws which allow free trade and commerce and discourse - from the empires of Rome, Christianity, England, France and America. Judaism, Germany, Nordic, Algonquins, maybe Martians, not sure. We do share a common sense on Justice in general, (just like most primates, who also tend to be stuck in jungles nevertheless. This whole thing about limbic/superstitious retaliation). And - the modern empire of Science. And we know how south and how fast that one went.

Despite how I have pointed out many faults in law, per se, including scientific "laws", I clearly appreciate and allow for the need of them! The value of them. They keep up in a holding pattern until the next paradigm shift comes along, yes? Until things get so choked up we just need to break out again.

But, empires, even while exploiting the Irish, the Indians, the Africans, the Americans, the Native Americans, the South Americans - (why so many Americans?!) - have provided the ease, the security and the opportunity by which Sooooo many inventions and arts and improvements have been made - there is absolutely no denying that. Things are always structured so that the rich benefit the fastest and the most from these improvements, but the fact is that the rest of humanity normally benefits, as well, until they get squashed like bugs again.

It is necessary to call the rich out when this squeeze does occur, because, of we don't, we all turn back into animals, of get killed off. That is the opposite curve otherwise eventually transcendent history - civilisation - should take. Just as Alex Jones wailed, in a recent video, about how he is not siding with one tribe or another, he is doing his best to bring out what is true, and what is true, right now, is that we are not in the booming, progress days of the 1950s. We are in a plummet into hell. That's what all the stats say.

(Alex Jones, btw, never comes off as being a racist, in any way. But, when you've got the borders being deliberately opened up to millions of disruptors to a stable system, then he calls out that squeeze, etc. Like Donald Trump, Alex Jones has quickly become rather fashionable, these days. Which isn't too impressive, considering how sooo very far-gone had to go the graft and incompetence of Joe Biden, and associates, before the public even began to wake up. With the help of a few good writers and yappers. And meme-posters. Or how many innocent people had to die, first).

[That's the thing about being truly Irish. Always being, first and foremost, naturally Catholic. In the good way. The original way].

OK, so have I made enough point about how empire can be a good thing? So, yes, we all know how empire can also be a bad thing, especially for all the babies from which it sucks its blood. But, empire can be very bad, internally, most definitely. It creates an underclass, internally, as noted regarding what happens in bigger cities. It encourages narcissism, neglect and abuse. Materialism. Alienation. Divide and conquer. Crime. It carries forth the sins of previous empires - NAZIism, euthanasia, racism, war. An overclass of fiendish parasites. Bedbugs. Nasty neighbours. Hostess Ho-Ho's. Cults. Mobs. Addictions. Disco.

Somehow, it is so good, and yet it is simultaneously so bad. Probably because everyone becomes compartmentalised into becoming a little cog. Sorry if these sociological terms might be a little over your heads.

Revolutions. Guillotines. Professional wrestling.

Gremlins, Pintos, Pacers. The DeLorean. The Dymaxion. (But, that competition also gave us other, sometimes inexpensive cars).

Politicians - name your own...

(BTW - If you wonder what the heck has been going on in the House? Now and some months ago? I have pretty much concluded that this has been a paid players via WEF-associates and puppets, as has succeeded in Canada, and elsewhere. Despite some of the players appearing to be very promising. I did like Jordan. But he possibly had deep state contacts, and also agreed to link Israel and Ukraine funding).

Well, there is another internal thing that can happen, in the centres of empires, which can be referred to as complacency, maybe. Complainancy? A good thing, if constructive. But, for most comfortable people in empires - and I mean the majority of well-paid people - they can get so set in their ways, so full of their comfort - that they don't react to things in any better way than via judgment. That is their way of fighting back, or of solving problems. At best, some of them may sometimes resort to a few useful-idiot or flying-monkey activities, but not until they get riled up sufficiently. God forbid they get up enough spleen to go to the polls.

But, they really don't know what the world out there really is. They just know that, since life is easy for them, then that's how it is for everyone. So, if someone out there to, oh, I don't know, react in self-defense, or protest via self-immolation, or write, "Howl!," then they must be some kind of crazy terrorist. Freely, and deliberately, and ONLY trying to destroy the empire, the state, the neighbourhood, the house, the digestion.

Now, if you cannot see the difference between someone like this, and some poor Irish guy with CFS, then you haven't been been reading between the lines, here, lol.

There should be a name for these people? Let's call them the Pork Rinds. Sometimes, Pork Rinds cannot see that not all immigrants are coming in solely to spook or disrupt the nation. In fact, many immigrants will be filling up low paying, but necessary jobs, keeping the Pork Rinds comfortable, and so on.

However, it is possible that suspicious Pork Rinds might be responsible for mush of what has been the anti-Wogism of the past. Create a judgmental label, and there ya go. Very convenient. Everybody does it. But, maybe more often the Pork Rinds. Especially when it comes to outsiders. Who, in whiter countries, usually have darker skin.

Not to say that the Pork Rinds are always wrong in this - not at all! In fact, they are siding with all the benefits that empire has so easilly been offering them. So, it is completely natural that they would want to defend the empire against perceived threats, in their own, basically pointless way. The whole problem is in misinterpretation, and misrepresentation. And we all know how tragically unfair those things can be, especially when backed up by archaic laws of the state. But, do you really think empires have any inclination to changing in any expeditious fashion - for anything - including, sometimes, to stepping up for real wars?

The answer to this is the opposite to, "On." Empires quickly grow less by saying yes, and more by saying No! Or - Off! And, maybe, then come in all the offers, like the WEF. And "No" becomes "Yes" and "Yes" becomes "No" - and we all know - that's the way it goes, when empires decline. And so it goes.

Kilgore was here.

We are all delivered back to our animal natures, for the best, and for the worst of it.

So much trouble, innocuous judgment can make.

How can people be so cruel?


The term, "Wog," was revived after the deliberate flooding of Calais with Turkish and Syrian refugees, and the ongoing tide of legal and illegal immigrants into the UK - part of the strategic dismantling of the West, under the banner of Christian, "Helping." Calais is the place where the wonderful Euro-tunnel connects France to England. Again, a natural reaction by a comfortable people to incoming people with different customs and manners, who may or may not be disruptions to the empire.

From what I gather, a lot of such immigrants have replaced previous locals-owned businesses in various UK cities. And there has been an associated rise in crime. But not all incomers are responsible for all change, and not all change is bad. The British Isles were once filled with Cheddar People, who had dark skin and blue eyes, for fucksake. Lol.

So, like anything, this is a big bag of MIXED. In general, both sides are equally right and equally wrong. It's largely the agitated, often dysfunctional activists in between who cause all the trouble.

But, the CIA, who has often been intelligent and right on many issues in the past, (as well as grievously wrong on others), has this term, "The Wog Factor." It refers to a possible fact that people from some other countries or regions have different ways of thinking, and different ways of solving problems, as do people in the West. Well, this is such a broad generalisation that it is both simultaneously correct and incorrect. And it is just too complicated to bother getting into right now. Because, I am just one man.

I. Am. Not. An. AMIMAL!

So, enough of that. I cannot go on about this all day. Just to say now, about M.I.A.

I do still like M.I.A. First, I am a big fan of world music. Especially avant garde world music. MIA has risen to be a spearhead on this front, experimenting with music from many other cultures - and I love it. She's still kind of hot. She has energy and style. A good musician. And all that stuff.

"Paper Planes" took sampling from a Clash song about immigrants. Gotta love that. Showing homage. Had sense enough to make that song palatable and marketable within the empires of the West, saboteur that she might be.

And, maybe she is. But, children seldom maintain the original-formed intentions of their parents. A little defiance and ease usually urns them into something else. Often, the children of the successful turn into artists. And most artists have some degree of psychological disturbance in them. But, probably not as bad as most Psychology Majors I have met.

MIA was the daughter of the Tamil rebellion in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Not sure, don't know a whole lot about it. But this movement seems to me to have been less against the continuing British-Indian Empire than against the Hindu majority in Sri Lanka, which has been overly fundamentalist and oppressive to hated Tamils. As towards the movement in Ethiopia, I have an Irish compassion for that. I sometimes did towards Palestinians, but I think that is all gone now.

But, I did tend to side with the Tamils, when I learnt a little bit about things over there, especially when all their food supply was sabotaged. And so forth. Unfair is unfair. Same thing happens to groups as it does to lone wolves like homeless dupes. Same primate creatures, throwing their stones.

So, out of this comes spectacular art? Betraying deep suffering? Spectacular! Did I also say spectacular? You hair looks fabulous, by the way. Absolutely fabulous.

However, it may be true - and may just be correlation - that MIA took musical influences only from countries opposing American Empire. My feeling, today is pretty much it's a non-issue. Just one more log on the great fire of hate - what one more log going to do? With all the flushing upstairs going on, they have some kind of skid going day and night.

But, I did have concern, early on, in days when I first grappled with what MIA meant, and she was being painted as being pro-violence, anti-American, anti-UK, and so on. Well, for one thing, I was more the same way, myself, in those days. And I managed to change, for the better, I think. Despite all the crap I have been through.

I also believe that she hasn't been so much pro-violence as pro-art. Maybe that docu-video I posted was mostly apologist, but maybe some of it could have been true? Maybe she really just strives to make art, and give the interpretation over to the audience. E.g., by replacing words with sounds.

And, as a kind of artists, myself, I really do appreciate and delight in hat! In fact, I have spent a lot of time just studying and practicing that. I delight in irony, and symbolism, and insinuation, and double and triple meanings, and hidden messages, and subtlety and the sublime - of course not in violence, but in real-life experience - absolutely!

If Tamils and immigrants are suffering, I want to know about it, and I want other people to know about it, without immediately shutting their doors of labels and fear. Many artists know this. And all of these are devices which can be helpful to empires. We already see that, more and more, the imperialists keeping losing their degrees of freedom, simply by becoming incapable of comprehending irony, yes? Too comfortable for irony.

So, my present feeling is that MIA does not deserve to be "put in her place", although I can see that interpretation pretty well. My mind could change some time in the future about her, but I am talking about now. Being someone who is both pro and anti empire. And more anti-BRICC than anti, btw. (Or however that is supposed to be spelt).

Or - maybe, like Peta, she does have CIA-like powers behind her, either using her as a ploy of destruction - or at least being allowed to succeed. Maybe that is happening. If that is what is happening, then I might be turned against her - she being yet another sell-out. This is certainly a possibility. But, the people who buy her out are also the corrupted agents of empire, aren't they? So, I just say, keep your focus on the powers that be, and don't sweat the small stuff. Like sugar. Or spices from the Orient. Do Opium. Hunt varmint. Enjoy good art. Life is short.

And try not to blame the messenger. Most messengers have problems enough.

Woke? That's a very different thing.

Broke? I have related to that one far too much.

celtic / irish / gaellic, countries - british / england / uk, labels, immigrants / refugees, art - and creativity, writing, ++, political - destabilisation, music - mia / m.i.a., blame the victim, radical change, irony / (sardonicism) and see humour

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