Why savings matter when you're poor.

Oct 22, 2023 10:15

The SSA doesn't want poor people to collect savings, over $2000.  Since it takes money to make money, especially when labour itself is disabled by - disability - then this guarantees that disabled people will remain poor and on social security and, because of various kinds of entropy, including worsening disability, accidents, etc., they could likely become even poorer.

My sister produced another fake-out, saying that the SSA system was the, "best there is!"  But she didn't know what she was talking about.  I actually studied comparative economics in one of the best large public universities in the country, and this included study of welfare systems.  No way the American system is the best.  But, since she is a lawyer, or since she does know about THIS system, then I am expected to believe whatever comes out of her mouth - something she has become too accustomed to from others.

It is true that many immigrants come here, most of them illegally, expecting to be put on social security, etc. But, they are mostly coming here for America, per se, as lame-headed as that actually is, and this has been facilitated by WEF-alligned actors, encouraging a hemorrhaging illegal immigration system. Welfare systems are better in Canada, France, Nordic countries - even in the UK.

There was talk of removing the USA $2000 limit in a somewhat recent bill presented to Congress, which may have been the BBB, which was rightly sunk mostly by conservatives, for other reasons.  It later resurfaced as the smaller, "Infrastructure Bill," which had very little to do with infrastructure.  Maybe one day this restriction will go away, but I'll be dead, the way things are going.

In two weeks, I will get my next SSA payment, upon which I depend.  This time, that payment will be only $324.  (I will explain why, below).  This comes at a time when I need it not to be far less than usual, but far more than usual.  But, I don't really have savings enough to take shocks like this, do I?  So, you see the trap that systematic social welfare policies and bureaucracies can create for vulnerable people.  On top of that, politicians also prey on vulnerable, poor people, offering them false salvation,  just like charlatan preachers.

Why will my next SSA payment be so crazy small? Well, I gave the SSA notice of my change of address to Iowa. I assume this is the reason - the SSA now tells me that Illinois will no longer be paying the premiums on my Medicare Part B, ("Medicare Advantage" - Which was via Quest, which did me almost no go at all, since it was accepted almost nowhere. I had taken Quest because the plan was to move to Wisconsin - yet another thing destroyed by officious yet overly emotional sister). So, somehow, this means that the SSA is deducting hundreds of dollars from this next payment. For premiums?

The only way I can imagine this could be possible would be if Illinois is demanding from the national SSA that it refund to it all the premiums I had paid to Illinois via monthly deductions from my SSA payments, by the national SSA(?)

Anyway, moving from Illinois to Iowa costs me a lot of money, time and health - so this is when I need more money, time and health - more than ever. Shocks like this are when poor people need savings the most, and it is the very system disallowing them savings which is systematically producing these shocks. Poor people DARE to make changes in their lives?! Unheard of!

Henceforth, says they SSA, they will deducting over $100 from every one of my monthly payments, as if the above wasn't enough. It already seems like Medicare B was some kind of a scam to begin with. No wonder ever corporation is trying to get in on the game. Guaranteed money for them, from the government/s. They can't lose.

Well, the fact is, I cancelled my Medicare B a month ago, and I might have proof of this. And, I officially sent in a cancellation to Quest two weeks ago, so that's where there is official proof. SSA apparently hasn't gotten news of this. When it does, then this will mean, I suppose, that they can no longer deduct the $100+ from my monthly payments, on which I depend.

However, as to the hundreds taken out, possible for, "past, overdue premiums"? That may be intractable. Even though I did, myself, pay money in, from the moment I started up with Quest.

So, I don't know if I can stop that hemorrhage. Ouch, and it hurts!

You can see that I have been made more ill, with CFS, simply because of this move. You can see that I have been made poorer. Less time for other, basic things. And, because crazy American Psychos upstairs can't deal with change, I had to go live in my van, sleep in 45 degree weather, and go without supplements - and so went on to contract COVID. So, how is Medicare actually helping me? I no longer have Medicare B because of this move. I no longer have MedicAid. I no longer have non-credit-sourced savings. I no longer have SNAP. My vision is worse. My heart pain is worse. I look as old as I feel.

And my supposedly loving sister knew all of this would happen. She held off on cashing my last rent check not because she meant to help me, but for suspicious legal reasons, and then cashed it almost two months later - also when I most needed the money. So, when my fair-enough brother was conferring with her about how their beloved brother much needed assistance, she was simultaneously stabbing me in the back. The other siblings do not see what she has become.

But previous victims see it. That includes dads she was was paid to take away from their children. She has some kind of vendetta against men in general, I have concluded. Father issues. Parental abuse... Narcissism.

So, I need to spend more time on contacting compartmentalised government bureaucracies, it seems. At least to hopefully save future payments from the SSA. I don't know if starting up Medicare B in Iowa would change any of this. Why would I want to start up Medicare B again, after this? With Quest, I got $50, every 3 months, to help pay for approved meds and supplements. But I paid in $50 every month. Big woop. They also offered $300/month - or something like that - for visit to fitness clubs - which makes zero sense for anyone with CFS.

One reason I kept it was for the $1000 of assistance their plan offered as help towards dental work. Never got around to dental work because all my energy and health was exhausted from weekly mowing and snow shovelling! It wasn't that my sister was too stupid to conceptualise the limitations of my illness. It was that she well understood these limitations, and exploited them, convincing other siblings I was being obstinate and untrustworthy, no longer responding to her intimidations. I was her precious personal problem. Holding the old family together. This is how narcissism works.

I was trying desperately to gain health, against all odds, and for that I have been punished, and made more ill, etc. No actual HOME was ever meant for me. I told sibs I was trying to get away from people, and what happened? They became the most annoying people they could be. So, no. It's not that they didn't SEE how ill I was. They knew I was very ill, and instead acted like animals because of it.

BTW - I have been woozy this morning, from the COVID + CFS. And so it would not be at all wise for me to work on the van today, if even possible.

The neighbours upstairs have been flushing their toilet non-stop, ever since I had to flush my toilet twice yesterday, because the first time didn't do the job. Their antagonisms have increased, because this also is how narcissism works. I put up a sign on my door, to warn NORMAL people that I have COVID. So, in rush the narcissistic cowards, in their ruthless desperation for power and control. Of the suspected vulnerable. But, when you have good landlords, then the pen can be mightier than the toilet. Same when you have a good government. Then the meek actually do inherit good things.

(I can show you the log of this activity, but no need. Maybe they are just producing their own logs. Of activity, over and over again. Too much spicy food. Woops there goes another toilet bowl flush).

Anyway - I think I was planning on getting back to the whole savings thing... Let's see... All my savings have been based on credit cards. Credit cards would NOT have been possible had I NOT have had that time in the apartment in the other small town, (where I was somewhat free from these conniving sisters), where I could gain a good credit rating, and so on. I gained a good reputation with that landlord, but this has probably been corrupted by the alpha narcissist by now. I don't understand their need NOT to mind their own business, but, you know, that what the hippies wanted. Days like these, apparently.

Or, that is what they were told they wouldn't get - but they did.

Most hippies were probably in it for the popularity. The power. Not at all any truths. Not at all any actual personal work.

It can help to have credit so one can access money even when there are little or no savings. Poor people can obtain money, write checks, make credit card purchases. They can do some things even if the banks might soon fail. So long as they can anticipate some good chance of gaining better savings in the future.

However, most poor people cannot achieve better credit ratings, and so do not even have credit cards they can fall back on, as proxies for savings. So, shocks to the system can be devastating to poor people. With the rise in rents, and assorted tom-foolery, they end up homeless - by the millions. Most of them, because they are ill, and because closer associates somehow refuse to see their illness for what it is.

End of main topic.

I have had a few ideas for future posts, to wit. One was on the true possibility or explanation for gender dysphoria. Basically, at what point is a person NOT a composite of Siamese twins? Of different genders?! And this might mesh with a later idea on some differences between men and women, based on social presumptions based on genitalia. Let's see, other two ideas... Notes to self... "Push-Me-Pull-You" relationships are co-dependant/narcissistic. Turns out I wrote more on these back in a time when I was actually living at home with siblings. Now I have been reminded of them, strongly, once again! And... Well, can't remember... Must register here when I finally do...

Oh! Here it is!! - Schadenfreude! - It isn't just a German thing!  (So, now I shall soon sequence these).  Bye bye for now.  Looks like male is up and female has stopped flushing toilet, or something.  I'll be including, in one of said posts, how sensitivity of some females can also be bad, and turn some men into monsters.  I have seen it with mine own crying eyes.

poor wee monkey, my finances/banks, my family/relatives, woe is me, social security /administration/ ssa, tragic incidents

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