
Oct 22, 2023 04:35

Up early, time to take supplements.  Probably rest, then morning decaf mocha after that, as in olden days.  First day of recovery from COVID, although I still have a little COVID.  My right eye remains bad, brain aches, etc.  Required to flush a few minutes ago.  Expect retaliations from on high.  There were 9 flushes in a row from them yesterday, apparently in retaliation for my two flushes - (two were required to get the job done).  Because I suppose they think I am some kind of serf to them.  Amazing how people just make these assumptions, isn't it, as if they are tapped into some womb of divine knowledge?  I started keeping a log on them.  Realised I can add earlier LJ mentions of them to this log.  Despite illness, today would be best day for me to work on van.  Tomorrow would be better, since there are better hours at library, thrift stores, etc.   But the next day, Tuesday, would be showers, and that is is too soon after paint, although it could work.  I believe winds also kick up on Monday - not conducive to spray painting.

health - v - coronavirus sars2 covid-19, my cfs diary (2023), my plans / future, my neighbours

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