This Will Not Do.

Feb 14, 2023 17:02

Too ill to talk to, today.  Dog got a big morning dinner, but he continues with a sluggishness and absent-mindedness.  Once I was able to get up and move around, there he was, putting himself in my way.  And not responding when I talk to him.  I wish I could give him more food.  I've been doing the best I can.  Using a lot of eggs for him, since ( Read more... )

countries - china, my rants, danger / dangerous!, nwo / wef / great reset, doom and gloom, end of world, countries - russia / ussr, aliens / alien invasions (and see ufo's), vaccine madness / mandates, music - pink floyd, war * / wars / war and peace, biden - joe biden, hawking - stephen

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Comments 4

jlynnaz30 February 15 2023, 21:46:03 UTC
Have you heard about who has made their bid in for the presidential race? There are some scary people out there, almost a cult even. Florida book banning? Menstrual cycle information to people who don't even have a uterus? People are trying to turn the USA into a Totalitarianism government.

It won't surprise me if people try to bring back slavery or segregation or put us disabled people back in homes.

There is a Ken Burn's Documentary about "The Holocaust" that I watched recently. It was amazing and that is the type of society these "lawmakers" want. People who crave power.

Ken Burns makes awesome documentaries by the way :)


madman101 February 15 2023, 22:23:51 UTC
Hi. Yes, Ken Burns makes great documentaries. Sometimes a little biased. But the best in mass media ( ... )


jlynnaz30 February 16 2023, 00:38:08 UTC
Things just seem so crazier now than when they used to be. I'm tired of the name calling and people not telling the truth about things. Why can't there be an actual adult conversation about things without calling names to another, regardless of views? Why can't acts of governing be toward the good instead of lining one's pockets ( ... )


madman101 February 15 2023, 22:30:03 UTC
btw - They are going to try to demand that, if people on public assistance or housing want to continue to receive it, then they must tack the so-called vaccine.

The vaccine is a bioweapon meant to kill off millions of people. They expected it to go slower than it is going, as all these sudden deaths are resulting. Hopefully, those people have not died in vain, and people will fight back before it's too late.

If they threaten to take away my SS/SSI unless I take the shot, I will not take the shot. Sick as I am, I don;t need to get sicker and die any time soon. I'll just have to see what happens.


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