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Comments 2

amazingleigh February 9 2023, 23:17:51 UTC
Oh no! I hope you're not getting Covid and that whatever you're feeling will go away soon!


madman101 February 10 2023, 01:14:37 UTC
I seem to cut it off at the pass, at least for now / so far. They say it often comes back after 3-5 days worse. Not sure what this was, (is), though, so far. Thank you! COVID is not needed, at any time. But better to get the immunity that way than via shots.

I forgot to say that I found out that my dog will eat snow more when there is more salt in his water. Even the slightest bit. (I assume this is true w/ food, too, just less noticeable over time). I've been adding a slight amount of salt to his water, at strategic times, to get that water out of his stomach sooner, thus lessening any rising discomfort there.

And, btw, never give dogs bicarb! Bad for kidneys and can result in a serious scare. Of course, we learned the hard way.


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