Spinning, spinning.

Feb 09, 2023 09:33

Not feeling great.  I feel I may have made a contract for COVID via the copper who graced me with his influence.  (Did I say copper?  See below).  So, I have started up my anti-COVID regimen, as incomplete as it is.  I have also been experiencing weird upswellings of internal pains, which could be muscle strain from stress plus deviant inclinations upon this couch.  Or it could be me channelling my dog's gas.  Or, it could be part of COVID.  Or it could be clots.  Heart problems continue with little response to special care, which is abnormal.  My dog remains ill, but I fed him a bit this morning, anyway, and assume he'll get around to pooping soon enough.  I take him out twice, now, around the two daily, planned pooping times, which often helps.  This morning, round one, he didn't want to go out the second time, which was very unusual.  His resistance was either because its been raining outside, or he is just too interested in eating, or he psychocally predicted trouble from the psycho creep should I go ahead with taking pictures of his garbage, or he is just feeling too unwell.  So far, he is not a major problem.

Over the past week, or so, and also before that - like even back to when Russia first invaded - I have been feeling covert, foreboding stress simmering inside me.  Which is something that eats away at health.  The main stress is coming from realisation of this whole depopulation attack.  And how can I manage to survive.  And how so many people will die.  Are dying.  But, on top of this, has been the endless agitation coming from the jackass next-door.  Since the day I moved in, his activity has all been a constant, passive-aggressive attack.  And it pisses me off that he - and others I know - are so deluded, self-centred and petty, that they involve themselves in the same sort of BS warfare that continues to detroy this country, and the world, in the end.  His projections and judgments, which extends on intentions to defeat and detroy someone he doesn;t even know, who has concerns and intentions he knows nothing about.  Such people, though, are experts at what strangers are, what they need, and what must be done to them, for their own good.  As Gwen Stefani sang, "Control, control, control!"

And someday...  hard to believe, but I'll be buried six feet underground.

I will have to relax, today, and hopefully sleep, to try to minimise any possible impending COVID attack.  Instead of focusing on more important LJ posts, and various urgencies on my never-ending to-do list, I have been catching up, at a lazy Irishman's pace, on ancient Irish origins, which are diverse and yet synthetic.  Always very interesting.

More later.  Gotta try to sleepa.  Hopefully this won't get so bad I'll be forced to smoke cigarettes.  But.  That's one way of dealing th COVID, believe it or not.

woe is me

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