Proposed Actions of Graphene Oxide and Metals in the Blood of Recipients of mRNA-based Injections.

Feb 08, 2023 10:13

I was thinking about the so-called blood-clots.  They differ from normal blood-clots in that they contain little or no platelets and other inflammation-related immune cells, although I believe fibrin might be present.  These clots are not red, they are greyish.  And they seem to allow blood to flow past them - until they don't, and down you go.  So, like myocarditis, which is a covert swelling around the heart due to some hidden attack and damage, these clots grow silently, and don;t give much clue as to the major danger they portend.  These should no more be called blood clots than the mRNA gene therapy injections should be called vaccines.

(Of course, normal blood clots could also theoretically develop in people reacting to the mRNA shots, in various ways).

In a credible interview, can't remember the woman, it was said that a survey of the "vaccine" viles revealed that there was no organic material present.  (Unless I am mistaken, and she was actually talking about the clots - not sure.  Either way is fine for our point here).  What she found was strong indications that the viles contained, metals.  Of course, they would also contain petroleum gels, meant to coagulate or to prevent coagulation.  (I don't know why DNA sequences of, e.g., HIV, venoms, etc., would not have registered as organic, if this was a scan of the liquid in the viles.  If it was a scan of the clots themselves, then that's understandable).

In most modern vaccines, there are adjuvants added.  These are meant to encourage a heightened immune response by the body - to whatever foreign agent is being introduced to trigger specific immune memory.  However, these really don;t target anything specifically, but instead encourage inflammation generally.  This is a bad thing.  And it is arguable whether they have any useful role in establishing or enhancing specific memory and/or response.  Instead, they go in and puncture cells, in general.  However, they may possibly also accumulate where inflammation occurs, locally, in a feedback loop.

Many, if not most, of these adjuvants are metallic: mercury, aluminum, etc., and, in relatively recent years, graphene oxide, (G.O.).  The latter goes farther than simply cutting into and exploding healthy cells.  It self-organises under the influence of any electromagnetic radiation.  It grows, and congeals with other G.O. molecules.  It does this by pulling more carbon and oxygen out of the blood, and turning them into more graphene oxide crystals.  The trigger can merely be electrical activity at the cellular level.

As the G.O. grows into larger crystals, it cuts into more cells, and becomes an obstacle in the blood or lymph streams, and takes on its own electromagnetic field, thus inviting more G.O. to form around it.  This process is greatly intensified under the influence of WiFi radiation, especially 5G, as from cell towers, computers, cellphones, the internet of things, and so on.  Aiming such radiation at an infected person can kill them, sooner or later.  And G.O. has been in most or all vaccines in the last decade or more.

Sorry I am not sourcing.  This is all my accumulated understanding.  Be sure to perk up your attention when I do provide links in future posts.  (See also, "Morgellons Disease").

In the recent Maria Zeee + Mike Adams video, (see below), Mike Adams relays that his lab, (one of few in the world to do this), did an analysis of clots retrieved from cadavers.  The most interesting thing is that the clots showed a high concentration of metals.  The one I recall him stating was chromium, but there were others, of course.  (Which would have included G.O.)  What on earth is going on?  Clots in the blood made up of high concentration of metals?!  They couldn't have all come from the viles of injected mRNA, G.O., et al.  These metals are concentrating within the body.  Some process is going on which is almost certainly not organic.

Just a quick diversion.  When some people drop dead due to the mRNA shots, they often show a high body temperature - like around 104 degrees farenheit.  Later, corpses of many people who so die do not go cold.  Instead, they have warm body temperatures - like around 100 degrees.  So, it is very likely that, yes, some process unrelated to internal biology continues to occur after death.  Such a process is probably a result of the independent accumulation of G.O., and/or whatever process which puts the chromium, etc., into the clots, or both, which may possibly be the same, or closely related, processes.

Something is going backwards in the body, which is an energy producing, and probably energy consuming, process.  Since those who die suddenly often have relative depletions of O2, then this process might indeed involve the theft by O2 by G.O., in addition to the blockage of blood getting to cells by the clots.

Three possibilities for therapy: Sodium channel blockers.  Reduction of multi-mineral supplements.  Reduction of exposures to high-frequency E.M. radiation.

It is possible that some victims are being cooked to death.  Not burnt but baked.  And this would occur more under conditions of high 5G, (etc.), radiation.  Those who control the WiFi theoretically could control the death count, at least to some strong degree of correlation, over time.

To compliment this concept or scenario, a few very knowledgeable scientists have asserted that radiation poisoning is occurring in many affected victims, but not emanating directly from the outside.  Rather, the poisoning is occurring at the sub-cellular level, in some electro-chemical, molecular process.

I am sorry, but I have not keyed well into what they were describing, because my own CFS brain often lacks enough oxygen to comprehend everything, and put all the pieces together.

However, these scientists insist that global micro-radiation sickness is occurring in the bodies of these victims.  (Here is an area for more research).  Whether or not the process is related to the G.O. and/or clot-metalisation processes described above, I don't know at this point, but it seems quite likely.  Many victim of these clot shots do show many of the same symptoms found in nuclear radiation poisoning, as in victims at Hiroshima, etc.

(I will also insert that I have found several similarities between affects of these mRNA shots, (and long-COVID), and CFS, but that is a topic for later discussion).

Now, how might metals be concentrating in these clots?  And in such high degree?

First of all, the metals, or minerals, can be coming from only two sources; cells in the body, or the bloodstream, (and possibly lymphatic stream / intracellular fluid), where food has been broken down and is now being transported in basically chemical forms.  The idea that so many metals, or minerals, could be created out of more basic molecules, similar to what hypothetically happens with G.O., is implausible, because there are at least 5 metals described as being in the clots - and that is too many for such a thing to likely be occurring.

If the metals are being drawn out of cells, in general - most likely in areas of inflammation - then this would probably be happening where cells are exploded by G.O. and other adjuvants.  What role role would the spike protein play in this attack and depletion?

Either that protein, (and possibly related DNA and/or molecules), which may act prionically, and might be considered a prion, proper, is itself also directly puncturing cells, OR, it may be directing the attacks by the adjuvants, acting as an informational device - a "drone" - helping to guide the adjuvants towards particular cells, (rightly or wrongly).  OR both.

In either case, it is playing an important role, and continues to be replicated by the body, apparently until death.  So, the spike "prion" could contribute to the snowballing - the negative feedback loop - where the clots, and other problems, simply grow and grow.  If so, this would be in addition to the growth associated with rising electromagnetic fields around the clots.

There are health supplements which one can take which can encourage the spike protein to reduce its prionic folding activity, and/or to flush out of the body.  That would not stop more spike prions from being produced, however.  So, if you want to go into business and make money, and we still have an American economy, focusing on such supplements will be the wave of the future, I guarantee you.  If there is anything left of a future.

Now, when we say that electromagnetic activity is changing around G.O., and around the clots themselves, what we are saying in chemical terms is that the local pH is being changed.  So, if the pH is changed, then local sodium channels may reverse regarding ion flow, at least as pertains to particular molecules within cells, including metals.  Maybe this, in itself, is the very mechanism by which cells are successfully punctured, I don't know.  Other than  by selective macrophages.  (I do know that natural killer cells tend to get turned off as a consequence of these shots, in many or all cases.  Low NK cell activity is a defining trait found in CFS/M.E., btw).

If pH is altered, most probably becoming more acidic, then this would encourage the proliferation of certain endemic parasites, as well as parasites deliberately and/or inadvertently introduced by the kill shots, which is known to occur.  Several scientists maintain that the main health problems following th shot is one of parasite proliferation, which explains why ivermectin is effective, in COVID, which also involves the spike prion.  Most likely in post-shot parasite issues.  But possibly in other issues.

It is possibly to reduce intracellular fluid acidity by regularly ingesting baking soda.  Baking soda does not have the same blood pressure dangers posed by sodium chloride, (salt).

It is possible to reduce parasites and other pathogens, generally, by taking lots of garlic.  And other things.  Like wormwood.  Maybe pine tree bark works on parasites, idk.  It sure tastes like it.

The pH process described above would be relevant to the drawing-out of metals from cells in the body.  It could also be relevant to the same drawing-out, or chelation, of metals from cells in the blood and intracellular fluid streams, or of free-floating metals in those streams.

There is another process by which metals might be aggregated, and concentrated, which would be relevant both to cells, and more-so to metals in the blood, lymph and intracellular streams.  As follows:

What ever the trigger, growing G.O., and the metallic clots, acquire their own magnetism.  The clots thence act as magnets to pull in various metals.  This process is not completely unrelated to the pH process.  It should be studied by chemical and solid state engineers.  Although, I am sure that it already has been.  If you know what I mean.

The fact that G.O. self-organises, which apparently includes the creation and addition of additional G.O. molecules, (and then the attraction of other metals), suggests that, under external electromagnetic influence, (e.g., 5G), the organising molecule is highly energy efficient.  In other words, it is adeptly able to - under such conditions - shift around ions and photons, establishing new bonds, with itself and around it.  It self-organises so dramatically and easilly, in comparison to other chemicals, that it may in fact produce measurable energy in the process.

So, just as water gives off energy when it turns to ice, G.O. may heat the body, the more its bizarre activity continues - even postmortem.  To study, one supporting observation would be any finding that affected corpses relative maintain a high temp whilst 5G is present, whereas affected corpses begin to cool when 5G is turned off.  But, this sort of study is not what China- and pharma- and DOD-funded scientists will be concerning themselves with.  Like the ingredients in the viles, and everything else related to the mechanisms of this apparently deliberate depopulation military assault, the orders have been given to stay hidden.

It's interesting the analogies that could be made between what happens in the body following these shots, and what happens in this country. Following these shots.

What else?  Petroleum derivatives - including diethylene glycol? - are also contained in the viles which, at least in certain situations, might encourage coagulation and gelling within the blood.  This in itself is a big, major deal.  But I am now done with this post.

Please pass this along to scientists and medical professionals!

Thank you!  Take care!



health - vaccines / debate, health - v - coronavirus sars2 covid-19, vaccine madness / mandates

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