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Comments 6

melanieallett July 18 2022, 23:30:42 UTC
I hope your cold sore clears up. I get them sometimes. I follow a tip that was in a woman's magazine in the 80s. Dab it regularly with cold coffee. It clears the cold sore up.


madman101 July 19 2022, 00:24:03 UTC
Hmmm... Maybe it's the acid and/or caffeine. I might try that.

My dog is bleeding in his left ear all of a sudden. Ughhh!!!



melanieallett July 19 2022, 03:00:00 UTC

I hope its stopped bleeding, and isn't anything too serious.


madman101 July 19 2022, 10:59:09 UTC
I used a disinfectant wipe in his ears yesterday, and maybe that caused it.

He has mites in there. Once, it got so bad in one ear, his right ear got infected, and he got cauliflower ear from shaking his head so much. I had to take him to a vet. His right ear no longer stands up as beautifully as it once did.


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