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Comments 4

quirkycricket April 11 2022, 01:09:12 UTC
I love Sylva. That would be a good place for you, I think. I've never heard of these rocks. That coffee place is closed now and in Whittier NC now.

Um... why the fuck is she saying "Appalachia" like a yankee? Appa-latch-cha. Not Appa-lay-sha. Jesus.

Mmm warm rock.


quirkycricket April 11 2022, 01:14:15 UTC
Also, I really like the Spear-Finger legend mentioned in the beginning. You don't hear about it much.

It would have been nice for him to have talked to anyone actually Cherokee... ??


madman101 April 11 2022, 06:55:36 UTC
I was wondering if you knew about the rocks. You could visit them one day but they are, well, rocks ( ... )


quirkycricket April 11 2022, 15:33:18 UTC
I did not know of The Rocks. Though I wish I had because that would have been fun to see when we visited Sylva. We were lacking things to do that day. If we visit again I'll remember the Rock. I don't have cause to go to Kentucky. But It's possible to revisit Sylva.

It riles me too. Like, I'm Appalachian since...well forever. Our roots here are deep. Pre-civil war. We were...obviously confederates but we're mostly good folk now. I hate when people say "appa-lay-sha" like they're trying to make it sound educated. Like Appalachia is back water. There's a lot of diversity, intelligence and experience here and it feels like people try to discredit it. No, I'm not surprised he didn't talk to Cherokee either. He's ignorant.

Yeah neat little legend, probably a disorder like you said.

Yeah, Sylva is really nice and quiet. Cullowhee is good. I had some friends who lived there for a while. Jackson, Swain, and Cherokee. All places I'd move to if I had to. Especially Swain.
It is interesting! I probably take it for granted sometimes.


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