dog day's journey into cat

May 09, 2015 20:25

At the store on Thursday, bought 10 cans of Friskies cat food - for my dog. 50 cents per can. Although they have a subtle taste of evil about them, my dog seems fine with them. I can give him 1/2 can for his morning mini-meal, and 1/2 can for his night mini-meal, w/ something extra thrown in here or there. Although I make a big batch of "wet" ( Read more... )

my dogs - and see animals - dogs, animals - dogs - my dogs, animals - dog food, food - dog food - and see animals, english language

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Comments 4

les_ni May 10 2015, 09:52:13 UTC

My last dog also seemed to love the Friskies. Usually we gave  him with gruel  in the morning and raw meat in the evening. However he loved to eat  EVERYTHING, he ate mushrooms, fruits, vegetables... I read that dried dog food is harmful for them.


madman101 May 11 2015, 03:11:25 UTC
Hi. I know you are someone who cares about dogs. Thank you for the add!!

But I have mixed feeling about this comment.

First of all, your Friskies and raw meat diet sound great.

But then I get to the part about fruits and veggies - ONIONS? - MUSHROOMS? - and I wince.

I think what needs to be done is that specialists have to discern whether or not these extra things are good for certain breeds, specifically for breeds closers to the wolf.

Its great that your dog did so well. Are there any veggies which you fed this dog which you have questions about, lingering? I never feed my dog onions, garlic, beans, (sugar), and etc.


les_ni May 12 2015, 07:08:03 UTC

Thank you for the add also, yes you're right, I do care about dogs. They're all so cute!
I think I misspoke, I meant my dog loved to eat things like fruits but I didn't feed him with it. I knew he loved it when for instance I cooked mushrooms and several ones accidently fell down on the floor, he would instantly pick it up and eat. I had a cooker spaniel and he was really obsessed with food. If he saw a food on the street like a gnawed apple he would definitely try it.
I'm sorry for my mistake, English isn't my native tongue so I can make mistakes-:(
Usually I didn't give him veggies, the thing is, every time I ate he would sit down in front of me and look at me like he hadn't been fed for ages and sometimes it was impossible not to give him a small piece of something :D


madman101 May 15 2015, 03:41:56 UTC
I do not feel you made a mistake. Nevertheless, I knew that you spoke another language. I was guessing you lived in Eastern Europe. I am glad to have a Russian/speaker on my flist.

It is good that you refrain from giving your dog/s improper food. Good! Not everyone does.

I've given my dogs pizza but stopped that a few years ago. I also gave this present dog avocado, until I learnt that was not good. And, I feel that some - maybe - all dogs don't do well eating wheat, so I try to minimise that in the diet. It seems to me that wheat (gluten) irritates their, (and my), stomachs, and causes allergy/nervous behaviour, like licking paws too much.

This present dog is uncontrollable when his nose for food, (or anything else), is in command, which is most of the time.

I don't give my dog mushrooms, either. But I think some veggies are good, in moderation: peas, broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc.


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