LinuxChix miniconf announces its schedule
The schedule for our LinuxChix miniconf at is now available at the Schedule page. The miniconf will be held on Tuesday January 29 2008, and will feature talks by eleven women on topics ranging from programming techniques to community management.
Oct 09, 2007 06:56
Radionhead have come out and said they will sell their new album online and fans can pay whatever they want for the privelige. Not being a huge radiohead fan, I have come across others in the blogosphere who feel very strongly about this move and that it is Radiohead doing it. Tarleton Gillespie (the author of Wired Shut which I am about to read)
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Oct 09, 2007 06:33
Surely you have seen the announcement that Jammie Thomas, a 30yr old from Minnesota has been found guilty of sharing 24 songs in the first US court case to tackle this. But that is not the surprising part, what is suprising is the quarter of a million dollar fine! Now how does that punishment fit the crime? I am guessing that the music industry
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Oct 09, 2007 06:25
MIPI have now come out and said they will start suing users for downloading music if ISPs don’t come to the table and work with them on delivering seek and disconnect notices to their users identified of sharing illegal content. (
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