this episode is brought to you by a very long dry spell

Feb 14, 2012 13:13

...or maybe that was just how dean girls felt when the two adorable (*cough*) one-night-standers retired their painful conversation with unusual and completely distracting closeups to the bed room. just get to the nekkedness, i am sure they screamed at their televisions. and nekkedness was gotten to... in a very anticlimactic way.

not that i'm complaining and i don't need a sex scene to sweeten the plot. but i don't mind a little upper arm skin or a shot of jensen ackles' beautiful shoulders. the last time we were granted a peek at the forbidden fruit (for any reasonable time) was way back in the days of old season one. and everyone hated that episode.

hated it.

and i didn't so much hate this but i find it hard to believe that dean would 'fall' for anyone who said "ridic" (what are you, gossip girl?!) and then subject a montage of total bedroom domination to the vinyl-scruffed tunes of vintage rock 'n' roll (although, thank God and greyhound it finally resurfaced! i was getting worried)

to quickly recap 7x13 'slice girls': dean and some bar skank get it on, sammy looks like he's gearing up for a good sammy smackbottom over dean's drunken disposition over bobby's death, ie everything (again), and sammy ganks dean's monster baby when dean 'hesitates' and smackbottom comes full smack in the faux impala with an added punch that leaves the audience pondering just what the angry child of the aformentioned amy has been up to all these days and if he's gotten any special dean-killing weapons for his birthday...

but that's all beside the point as another buffy alumn graced this last week's episode: MAYOR WILKINS! i think i fangirled all over the tv for a good bit of time before hoping that faith would come in and just gank the whole troupe of amazonian woman with their raw meat and branding.

and HOW COOL WAS IT when the mayor... ahem, professor is having a projector lesson (full of hand drawn art) in the classroom of a empty school! all that scene needed was dramatic music and misinterpreted gestures. lol, oh buffy *hearts*

but that's getting ahead of the plot... which i figured had something to do with gods from the very beginning when the hands and feet are chopped off. you know, over and over i hear how important those things are in the afterlife. perhaps dean and sam need a consultant. someone like me, because there are days when i think i am just a step or two ahead, ie: the last few episodes.

i did like the one good facial expression that made me laugh and lots of deany bear snark. i have a weakness for a snarky dean that smells of booze, sex, and buried sadness.

speaking of buried (and burned bones): mysterious breeze and implied ghostliness? i would be more than willing to believe that bobby is still out there (remember: we NEVER actually saw his choice with the reaper) and i would even be happy about it (can we say pottery lesson with sheriff mills?) but who knows. maybe its cass. OH! MAYBE IT'S CASS!

haha, now i really am getting ahead of myself.

all in all: i just really enjoyed that short scene when they are walking through the school and i just kept imagining them pantless.

next week (last week already, because i'm behind :/): chucky e cheese, clowns, and unicorns... wow, spn. just wow.

omgbuffy, omgspn

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