who's the real big bad of season seven: dick roman or sam's sideburns?

Jan 25, 2012 18:47

three episodes make for a great way to spend an afternoon off. and now i'm all caught up. of course, i have opinions. :D

7x10 - Death's Door

bobby is gone. thankfully i knew it was coming which lessened the blow.

still. *weeping*

but yes, death doesn't mean the same thing in supernatural. so i have hopes. PLUS, we never did see what his final decision was. just a ticking clock, stopped. so, yeah, we'll see.

i wonder if crowley grieved. he and bobby were close... you know, that one time. :)

but on the episode: it was grand. really brought to mind the old days. dunno why, it just had that sense. lovely to see more of bobby's history, even if it was a little tragic. the scenes from the timeline of young dean and john on the phone: heartbreaking.

7x11 - Adventures in Babysitting


first off: where did they hire that damn girl? did they specifically inquire for bad-acting and honors in annoying?

i swear she was evil. i really wish dean just would have shot her.

also, what happened to the winchesters? why were they being stupid, on purpose?! where's the hunter going to have his elaborate map and newspaper clippings - the CLOSET! what are those numbers bobby gave to sam and dean with his dying breath - duh, COORDINATES! is that innocent-looking floozie possibly a sharp-toothed baddie - YES!!! i honestly felt that just on principle alone sam shoulda perished.

as well as that damn little annoying bratty snot-nosed idiot! who wrote her into the script?! and WHO GAVE HER 'ASS-HAT'?! how... disgraceful! maybe it was to endear this little hellion to our hearts but it didn't work.

waste of an hour. except for the end with dean's smiling. would have only been better if it was the impala and not some counterfeit.

7x12 - Time after Time after Time

dean is a fanboy. how adorable.

this episode made up for the idiotic child. eliot ness is so badass. and time-travel sweetly reminded me of cas... who, yeah, i miss.

this ep got points too for referencing 'american gods'. and for the rock-paper-scissors. and for the back to the future love. and the sean connery accent. and for dean in a suit. and for sam being all web-jealous.

it ended a little abruptly. and yeahhhhhh, we already knew that 'future' ace. but sheriff mills got choked up over bobby, and that made me feel a little better.


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