This will be my one and only post on this subject. I am heartily sick of fandom sniping, from ANY shippers, and I wish to be as far away from all of it as I can possibly get.
How has HP changed me? I've grown as a writer first and foremost. Fanfic has helped me shape a story, set the pacing, the exposition, etc, much better than I ever have. I've also met the most wonderful people, both on and off line...some of my greatest friends.
I'm not going anywhere, nor am I changing anything. I will continue my reread of HBP, and continue to love it, and Harry. In canon, all I ever cared about was Harry - happy, alive Harry. And I'm just as anxious for Book 7 as I ever was.
I agree with much of what you wrote, apart from the handling of it. That continues to upset me, but I won't go there any further than to say just that.
R/Hr-er here. I stumbled across your journal on accident and... I just wanted to absolutely applaud you for this. I agree with everything you said 110% I'm a H/D shipper on the side (holy cow, don't Maya and Emmagrant rock!) so I fully understand loving a ship that isn't going to be canon. But I also realize that by shipping non-canon ships you're going to have to face the music at some point and realize Jo just won't make it canon.
That doesn't stop the fanfic, and it doesn't stop you liking it, but it would be really nice if it could stop the shipwars.
Comments 143
If you don't mind, I'm going to link to your post in my journal, because I'm not sure I could say any of this better than you just did.
I'm not going anywhere, nor am I changing anything. I will continue my reread of HBP, and continue to love it, and Harry. In canon, all I ever cared about was Harry - happy, alive Harry. And I'm just as anxious for Book 7 as I ever was.
I agree with much of what you wrote, apart from the handling of it. That continues to upset me, but I won't go there any further than to say just that.
I've got a fic of my own to write. ;)
Thats the interview she's talking about.
That doesn't stop the fanfic, and it doesn't stop you liking it, but it would be really nice if it could stop the shipwars.
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