
Nov 26, 2011 22:37

After my stupid cable company blocked Fox programming, it has taken me this long to get caught up on "Fringe." And I'm so loving it, ( but )


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Comments 8

allisnow November 27 2011, 05:07:27 UTC
I'm with you, but I agree with Peter that THIS Olivia (orange!universe, raised-by-Nina Olivia) isn't really OUR Olivia. So orange!Lincoln is welcome to her.

Lincoln Lee: A Decent Alternative If Your Universe Doesn't Have a Peter Bishop ;)


madjm November 27 2011, 13:25:06 UTC
I'm not so sure I believe that this isn't really Peter's world, though. It's just his world without him in it. Though that doesn't really explain the whole Nina thing, I admit.

I guess I just want my real peeps back, in either case.

Also, I liked Lincoln's nerd glasses better. :)


allisnow November 27 2011, 18:51:28 UTC
Well, TPTB have pretty much said in interviews that this isn't Peter's universe, and they've backed that up with the orange credits. I guess they could be evil liars, though ;)

I think it's interesting to see how *our* Peter's death in the orange universe sent ripples through Walter, Nina, Olivia... I wonder if the Peter's Mom we saw in the preview for January was from the red universe or the orange. Would she still have committed suicide? The mind boggles.

And yes, Lincoln's nerd glasses were adorkable. :)


madjm November 28 2011, 01:32:32 UTC
Ah, well, since I couldn't watch any of the episodes until the last couple of weeks, I haven't been reading what TPTB have been saying. I was just going by what the Observers said.

I think OrangeWalter has said his wife died, but I'm not sure if she killed herself or what. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)


arabian November 27 2011, 05:57:16 UTC
I read your "I'm loving it" and I had to read your reasons because as much as I love this show, I've been having issues with it this season. Then I clicked and you basically said (much more succinctly) all that was bugging me about this season, so I guess I'm confused now, LOL! If you're interested -- my venting.


madjm November 27 2011, 13:27:16 UTC
Hah, I will have to check that out this afternoon.

There are a lot of things I am enjoying this season, but I REALLY missed Peter. And I assumed when we finally got him back that this season would be putting the team (and O/P) back together, but now it just doesn't seem that way ... so I'm getting concerned.


allisnow November 27 2011, 18:53:28 UTC
During one of the livetweets, Wyman promised that there was some good Peter/Olivia stuff coming up. I'm holding on to that!


madjm November 28 2011, 01:33:08 UTC
Yay for Peter/Olivia!


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