I've been watching "Once Upon a Time" and enjoying it. And shipping Emma with like everyone she's on screen with. But now my new obsession is Emma/Hook. Because, Pirate! Flirty pirate with lots of manpain!
To all you youngsters out there, I issue a warning. Never, ever turn 40 years old when you're PMSing. Add in some family stress, and it's just not pretty.
That said, thanks allisnow for the V-gift. It made me smile. :)
Considering trying to write something for the Clint/Natasha prompt-a-thon at be_compromised. There are a lot of good prompts there, but I haven't found quite what I'm looking for yet ...
So, I finally rented "Mission:Impossible Ghost Protocol." Hands down, the best thing about the movie was Jeremy Renner. He was awesome. Forget Tom Cruise, let's have the next MI movie be all about him. LOL.
On a related note, I wish my mood theme had one for "obsessed." Heh.
I've been re-watching some episodes of "Enterprise" on Netflix. I was a huge Trip-T'pol shipper, and their relationship always kept me watching even when other parts of the show irritated me
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