Title: Shades of Grey
Summary: 12.16 Drabble. All Mick sees are shades of grey.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Gen. Spoilers for Season 12.
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Word Count: 100 (+ a 100 word extra treat drabble)
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural that privilege belongs to CW, Kripke and Co, I'm simply borrowing them for a while. I'm not making a
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Comments 6
Take care and thanks for stopping by :)
I actually quite like Claire. I know a lot of people find her whiny pouty and annoying, but to me she's collateral damage who demanded a place in the bigger story and I kinda like her for that!
I did enjoy Sam's expression when he learned the wouldn't be sharing a room with his brother. I didn't think he looked happy about it! And I love the idea of Dean skinny-dipping in the pool! :D
I enjoyed Claire in the episode, but I do sometimes find her a little annoying. But I liked how she is showing some maturity as she fessed up to Jody that she's been hunting, and finally coming to realise that she has to be responsible as she does have loved ones who care about her, and I enjoyed that aspect.
Yes! Dean skinny-dipping was all kinds of fun, and Sam did not enjoy the idea of having his own room!!!! Thank you fr stopping by :)
Thank you for stopping by! Take care :)
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