Fic - Heart's Desire

Dec 14, 2016 13:22

Title: Heart's Desire
Summary: Sam and Dean are trying to adjust to life in retirement, something they never thought they'd live to see. Future/curtain fic with plenty of h/c.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Sam and Dean Gen. None.
Warnings: Minor language, permanent injury, and a Harry Potter reference that required some Google research and a little ( Read more... )

spn_j2_xmas secret santa, permanent injury, hurt/comfort, future/curtain fic, hurt!sam, dean, sam, gift fic, hurt!dean

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Comments 49

becc_j December 16 2016, 07:13:50 UTC
This is beautiful, loved all the details of their life together, how they've overcome some of their communication issues and the artist licence of the Harry Potter ref :D

First fic I've read on summer vacation and it was perfect <3


madebyme_x December 16 2016, 12:39:24 UTC
Hello my lovely!!! Thank you so very much for taking the time to read my fic, especially as it's the first of your summer vacation, yay \o/ (if you want some recs, let me know and I'll pass some along!)

The prompt was based on the Harry Potter Mirror of Erised reference, but as I'm not familiar with the source material I had to goggle it, and then sort of twisted it a little to fic into this universe and my fic - I'm so happy that it worked for you!

I really enjoy writing curtainfic, and this was such a pleasure to write; seeing the boys struggle a little, but both so content with their lives. Take care, and thanks so much for reading and for your always lovely words. Take care my friend, and happy holidays :)


becc_j December 18 2016, 02:34:39 UTC
I hope you are enjoying the holiday season as well <3

I'd love some recs, something short though, I'm reading my way through Game of Thrones so anything I can read in a sitting is more than welcome :D


madebyme_x December 20 2016, 10:23:52 UTC
I am thank you! It's a bit busy this time of time, but I did get your card posted a week or so ago, so I hope you get it in time (and I owe you an email too, which I will get around too!)

You're reading GoT - well done you, that's a massive read!! A few of my friends have worked their way through them. I hope you're enjoying them? I'll send you a few recs too.

Take care my friend, and I hope all is well :)


z_publicizes December 16 2016, 15:53:50 UTC
Lovely, cozy, very them. Both brothers feeling like they're the albatross holding down the other's life, not fully capable of trusting when things are good--resolved by a Harry Potter reference in the role of communication therapist(Sam would be so pleased)--and Jesse and Cesar, love how you tied them in. <3

Trip to Mexico! There's something sorta cathartic about the idea of Sam and Dean hitting the road again but purely out of personal pleasure this time, not duty or the need to escape.


madebyme_x December 16 2016, 17:06:49 UTC
What a wonderful comment - thank you so very much! These two have always had communication problems, but I liked the idea of the Harry Potter reference sort of nudging them into seeing what's right in front of them; that they made it out of hunting, in mostly one piece, and they're both happy about it (I adored Jesse and Cesar, and after seeing them get out of hunting, I knew I had to reference them here!)

There's something about seeing Sam and Dean on the road that just clicks, like it's sort of where they belong in a way, and there's nothing better for me, than seeing them do it for nothing but pleasure.

Thank you so very much for stopping by, I'm delighted that you enjoyed the fic! Take care :)


phyllis2779 December 17 2016, 07:01:50 UTC
This was lovely. I really enjoyed it.


madebyme_x December 20 2016, 10:20:23 UTC
I'm so happy that you enjoyed the fic - thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! Take care and happy holidays :)


ladygreytowers December 17 2016, 09:33:59 UTC
Oh well done.


madebyme_x December 20 2016, 10:21:27 UTC
Thank you so very much for reading, and commenting - I really appropriate it! Take care and happy holiday :)


masja_17 December 24 2016, 21:24:16 UTC
This was lovely! Well done, and thank you!


madebyme_x December 28 2016, 11:42:25 UTC
Thank you so very much - I'm so happy that you enjoyed the fic! Thank YOU for stopping by and taking the time to comment, it's greatly appreciated.

Take care :)


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