Drabble Fic - A Brother's Chant (11.20)

May 08, 2016 17:29

Title: A Brother's Chant
Summary: 11.20 Drabble fic. Sam's thoughts as the infection spreads.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Gen. Spoilers for Season 11.
Warnings: None (but this is unbeta'd).
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural that privilege belongs to CW, Kripke and Co, I'm simply borrowing them for a while. I'm not making a ( Read more... )

season 11, drabble, dean, sam

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Comments 10

zara_zee May 9 2016, 01:36:37 UTC
Oh gosh, yes. Dean in that scene. So lost, so hopeless, sucking down that fog...like it's his salvation...that's such a perfect way of putting it.

Ep-wise, I think I was in the same boat as you. There was stuff that I omigod LOVED and stuff that I side-eyed and wasn't too fond of. Learning that it was Robbie Thompson's last ep explained some of it, and as to the rest, I'm hoping that it's misdirection and the end isn't going the way I think it is...we'll see!

But this is a nice reflection on that moment, Dean determined not to ever outlive his brother again and then scared when he didn't start getting sick too.


madebyme_x May 9 2016, 16:04:46 UTC
Thank you! I loved the scene with Dean sucking down that poison, it really resonated with me, especially with Sam infected and talking about how Dean will chose Amara over him.

Absolutely! I'm really hoping we're going to get another twist, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I'd quite like to see Chuck Vs Amara, and for Amara to win and shove Chuck in the Empty, leaving the boys to try and kill her. But I'll keep my fingers crossed that they'll keep us all on the edge of our seats - I do love a painful cliffhanger!

Thanks again for stopping by. Take care :)


caranfindel May 9 2016, 14:59:57 UTC
Oh, man. That would have been Sam's last thoughts, knowing how it's going to end, and it's gut-wrenching.


madebyme_x May 9 2016, 16:07:25 UTC
I loved that whole scene, with Sam telling Dean that they're not going to survive, that Dean will chose Amara over him, and then Dean sucking down that poison fog - oh boys!!! I really wanted to revisit that again from Sam's POV, hearing Dean saying those lines and thinking they're all a lie.

Thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comments. Take care :)


quickreaver May 9 2016, 17:51:55 UTC

... )


madebyme_x May 10 2016, 10:19:10 UTC
Thank you - oh Sammy!!!!


crimsonepitaph May 11 2016, 10:28:32 UTC
Oh, love this! Especially the last line; very poignant.

I loved the episode for bringing the amulet back and for what that meant for the brothers (I remain in my bubble of „Sam had it all along”), and, well, the hurt!Sam...I don't know if there's a time where I'll say no to that :)

And the Metatron - Chuck scenes were quite enjoyable, too ... felt like they had an appropriate weight for the characters. The song at the end was gorgeous.

I have a suspicion as to how the finale is going to go - but I am truly interested in how they're going to handle the story lines, and excited for the next season, going forward.

I really like your drabbles - they are a perfect companion to the episodes. Thanks for sharing and offering a space for discussion!


madebyme_x May 11 2016, 12:15:18 UTC
Thank you so much for stopping by, it's lovely to hear from you! I loved this scene; with all the hurt Sam, and Dean gulping down that fog, only for it not to work, and I really wanted to focus on Sam's POV here, and what he was thinking as Dean was telling him that 'it's OK', that 'he's here'.

There were things that I loved in the episode, and some that I liked. So yeah, somewhere in the middle I think. I can't wait to see what happens, I'm spoiler free and trying to stay that way, but I can't see how Chuck can stay around, so I wonder if we're see Chuck Vs Amara and Amara win (maybe putting Chuck in the Empty?) I've heard so many theories, but I really hope they give us a nice painful twist! Take care :)


becc_j May 16 2016, 09:12:23 UTC
I honestly enjoyed the episode and Chucks singing at the end! I hope they do something interesting with all these pieces they've thrown into the air. Besides that I love this Drabble, that was a heartbreaking moment, poor Sam needs a hug at this point, they both do really. Lovely, poignant and sad moment you've captured.


madebyme_x May 16 2016, 12:26:36 UTC
I enjoyed this episode too, and Chuck's singing was perfection! There certainly is a lot going on at the moment, and it's going to be interesting seeing how they deal with it all, and whether it's going to carry on into next season.

I'm pleased you enjoyed the drabble. I really wanted to focus in on Sam as the infection took over, and he struggles with all the emotions he was feeling. Thank you, as always, for stopping by :)


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