Drabble Fic - Finish Line (11.19)

May 01, 2016 16:37

Title: Finish Line
Summary: 11.19 Drabble fic. Sam, Dean and the finish line.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Gen. Spoilers for Season 11.
Warnings: None (but this is unbeta'd).
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural that privilege belongs to CW, Kripke and Co, I'm simply borrowing them for a while. I'm not making a profit, this is just ( Read more... )

season 11, drabble, dean, sam

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Comments 17

amberdreams May 1 2016, 15:55:22 UTC
It was a lovely episode, wasn't it! And a lovely drabble accompaniment.


madebyme_x May 1 2016, 16:09:13 UTC
Thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I liked how it kept surprising me; the boys separated and nothing really bad happened, the new characters didn't die, there was no Sam and Jesse to the rescue with a big fight scene. It was a relatively quiet and thought-provoking episode, and I love that change of pace, and the twists it brought to what we're used to seeing in a MOTW episode.

Thank you for stopping by and I'm happy you enjoyed the drabble. Take care :)


laughablelament May 1 2016, 22:22:08 UTC
I love how you nailed that moment of loaded eye contact. Agree with you much about the episode too, the surprises, subverting the tropes. Also I felt the old X-Files flavor for the first time in ages. Cool monster, great side characters. A-plus.

Anyway thank you for this. It's lovely!


madebyme_x May 2 2016, 22:25:29 UTC
Thank you for stopping by, and I'm really happy that you enjoyed the drabble, especially that quiet moment between the boys. And yes, it really did have an old school X files vibe to it - I really enjoyed the shift of tone!

Thanks again for your kind words :)


laughablelament May 3 2016, 18:06:45 UTC
You are always welcome, doll. ^_^


zara_zee May 2 2016, 01:13:52 UTC
Yeah. As Dean approaches forty, I feel he thinks about retirement more and more. And that's good character development! Sam would head for the beach instantly if Dean did. So yeah, just...defeat the darkness, retire to Florida! :D


madebyme_x May 2 2016, 22:30:12 UTC
I love the idea that both of them want to retire, but sort of know deep down that the odds of that happening are so low, but both unwilling to say it out aloud. But I want them to hit that beech (and then visit Jesse and Cesar on that ranch!)

Thank you as always for stopping by and commenting :)


crowroad3 May 2 2016, 07:47:23 UTC
Mmm yes, you captured that quiet here. I hear it this season too, this ep and others, a kind of taking stock, little gestures at what some might call maturity, heh, or moving beyond the more destructive bits of brother-bond. You got that feel here, with Sammy thoughtful, Dean light. <3.


madebyme_x May 2 2016, 22:37:50 UTC
What a lovely comment - thank you! There has been a lot of deep thought and maturity this season, and I really appreciate that switch of direction, the feel that the boys don't have to be at odds to add drama and interest, just hearing from them and their feelings and point of views are far more interesting - I love that after ll these years we're still learning things about these two!

I loved the quietness of this episode and I wanted to capture that feel here too. Thanks again :)


becc_j May 2 2016, 10:30:01 UTC
Another great drabble. It's nice to dream along with the boys of a quiet retirement for them. I love that you capture their bond so well. It was a great episode too, nice to meet some new characters and have an interesting MotW.


madebyme_x May 2 2016, 22:44:50 UTC
You're so sweet, thank you so much! I really wanted to try and capture the quiet feel of this episode, and just give the boys a moment to ponder the future and a happy ending.

I really enjoyed the change the pace in the episode, and the feeling that they've matured, and don;t have to be at odds for the show to entertaining.

Thanks again, it's always lovely to hear from you *hugs*


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