Porn is the bestest. My sister makes it a habit to email me links to particularly interesting (by which I mean, nonsensical) porn and claim it was an accident. We're good sisters.
And I know, right! The Beatles were as big a part of my childhood as actual church (which is saying something, considering I'm from one of those Irish Catholic like WOAH families). :)
How many siblings have you ever got? If you have more than one, you know how there's always the One Everybody Is Talking About? You know when all of a sudden nobody's talking to you, so you're the One? *sigh* :P
Comments 24
And lol it was an old still from something--Futurama, I believe?--the Church of the Beatles. I dunno why it deleted itself.
How have you been? :)
And I've been attempting to write porn. And staying up for over 20 hours. Life is good. Life is fun. :D
And I know, right! The Beatles were as big a part of my childhood as actual church (which is saying something, considering I'm from one of those Irish Catholic like WOAH families). :)
(has desire to go rock out to some Beatles)
And she is telepathic clearly.
How many siblings have you ever got? If you have more than one, you know how there's always the One Everybody Is Talking About? You know when all of a sudden nobody's talking to you, so you're the One? *sigh* :P
I've got two older brothers, two older sisters, a younger sister, and a younger cousin-we-adopted-so-he's-my-brother.
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