How many siblings have you ever got? If you have more than one, you know how there's always the One Everybody Is Talking About? You know when all of a sudden nobody's talking to you, so you're the One? *sigh* :P
When my cousins do come down they add into the mix at my house. In saying that they are both both older - my youngest cousin is the same age as my brother.
SO I'M THE BABY AND ATTENTION IS ON ME (sometimes, not always ... hi!)
Ha! My younger sister made sure the attention was always on her even when she wasn't the baby anymore. She once accomplished this by trying to parachute off the roof with a bed sheet. With me in tow. (There but for the grace of my older sister's timely intervention go I. *g*)
Trufax: if a TARDIS crashed in our yard and an Australian teenager clambered out, my sister would probably have shrugged and asked if you wanted to help her put spiders in my bed.
(has desire to go rock out to some Beatles)
And she is telepathic clearly.
How many siblings have you ever got? If you have more than one, you know how there's always the One Everybody Is Talking About? You know when all of a sudden nobody's talking to you, so you're the One? *sigh* :P
I've got two older brothers, two older sisters, a younger sister, and a younger cousin-we-adopted-so-he's-my-brother.
When my cousins do come down they add into the mix at my house. In saying that they are both both older - my youngest cousin is the same age as my brother.
SO I'M THE BABY AND ATTENTION IS ON ME (sometimes, not always ... hi!)
(Lol, don't time travel back to 1992 and encourage her, I guess.)
*builds TARDIS*
Trufax: if a TARDIS crashed in our yard and an Australian teenager clambered out, my sister would probably have shrugged and asked if you wanted to help her put spiders in my bed.
(the mental imagery of that is making me laugh)
(She should - our names are only one letter apart)
One of them doesn't fit.
As for me, it starts with M and ends with adelyn.
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