Well, well, well. I appear to be writing something on LJ after a gap of many months (Sep 2010, I think, was the last time).
I returned to the UK and work after my luvverly career break (Oct 2009 - Sept 2010), which was spent here and over in Spain with mah hunneh in more or less equal proportions (
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Comments 17
What a time you've had. I shall not moan about my IBS and I very much hope that you'll be feeling and getting better soon.
Let us hope they get a drug regime that works sorted out soon. xxx
Sorry to hear you've been so ill.
What a lovely man you have.
I'm on Facebook under Sarah Mooring if you're on there and would like to add me. xx
So sorry you've been suffering and not getting seen properly at the hospital. I had a suspicion things were bad from your comments on FB but 'could have died' is scary to read.
I hope you're on the upswing now and things improve.
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah, for Floren.
As it was, it took Floren and his daughter (here for a week's hol and shopping), to manhandle me off the floor and onto the bed enough to be able to sit down.
I've dispatched him off to Tom's birthday party this evening, as I didn't feel up to it. He said he'd probably be back soon, when he left at 6.30pm, so I'm taking it as a good sign that it's gone 10pm and he's still out. His English is coming along, and he knows all the people who'll be there, so I suspect he's not coping too badly. Plus Tom always does good eats. I think the theme was to be Greek food tonight...
Sorry for the late response - LJ didn't tell me that you'd commented!
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