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Comments 38

deceptica September 24 2006, 09:30:35 UTC
Ahahaha, that was great! My teeth did ache from the sweetness, but you caught some great facial expressions there!


madame_ugly September 24 2006, 16:13:59 UTC
I'm getting better with the "tab" commands (at least zooming in!).


the_faery_queen September 24 2006, 10:02:39 UTC
brill :) i esp liked jupiters face on the couch before onus jumped on him :)


madame_ugly September 24 2006, 16:15:22 UTC
Thanks. Onus' face (while leaping on Jupiter) was super freaky. So much so I had to skip it.


the_faery_queen September 24 2006, 16:24:45 UTC
aw no! now i will always wonder what it was!


madame_ugly September 24 2006, 16:30:43 UTC
Hell, with how I like to load my updates with pictures, it will probably show up down the road (Onus and Jupiter love making out, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to oblige).


morcalivan September 24 2006, 11:44:48 UTC
Eeee! I heart gratuitous make out scenes! ^_^ No rough tumbling tent scene, though? Awww.

I got a good giggle out of this. Perfect thing for a lazy sunday afternoon. I also have the itch to go watch Brokeback again, but I'm not sure I can handle there being more boob shots than m/m right now.


madame_ugly September 24 2006, 16:16:57 UTC
I've never seen Brokeback Mountain. After my sister told me there was no good man love (and that the nudity was only a titty) it was dead to me.


morcalivan September 26 2006, 09:10:03 UTC
Aye, if it's boy on boy you want, watch Queer as Folk instead.

I was most dissapointed in Brokeback, from the way people were carrying on about how pervertedly gay it was, I truly expected more than a single fuck scene with most of their clothes still on. The star crossed love thing is not nearly as exciting as getting hot and sweaty.


madame_ugly September 26 2006, 14:18:16 UTC
The star crossed love thing is not nearly as exciting as getting hot and sweaty.

How very true.

I think the hype of the movie turned me off, too. Big whoop, guys kissing. I can see that on *gag* "Will and Grace".

Hell, I can ask my friends to kiss if I really want to see it THAT badly.


laridian September 24 2006, 11:50:51 UTC
Woohoo!~ Er, maybe not literally, but you know after all that buildup they'd just about have to. ;) Wonderful commentary and I love those horses. Where are they from?

I have to say Jupiter looks great in the black hat and black/red shirt. They really suit him.

Great Jumpin' Onuses! Be careful on the landing, son, you could put an eye out. (Someone else's, I mean) And I love Onus getting a nasty cold shock from the pond. Silly boy.

"A PONY!!!!
Oh, man, that's priceless. She'll bear resentment forever if that pony leaves, you just know it. XD

Props to all those storytellers that make sets and all that. You work too hard. But, I suppose it's a labor of love, huh?

Yeah, it's a lot of work to set these up. That's why Ramon's and Ter's were in their backyard, and Teff's photoshoot was out in an empty field. ;) I could've built some huge set and all, but I don't have the patience for it. I browsed topsimmodeling last night for the first time, and dang. If I spent all that time on photoshoots, I'd never get any stories told. >_ ( ... )


madame_ugly September 24 2006, 16:29:26 UTC
I'm glad you liked it. I wouldn't want Ter to think his Panty Parade was all for naught.

(they woo-hoo'd before the photoshoot, right after their cowboy makeout session on the bed)

I found the horses at MTS2. It's called "Ginger and Lucy". Then I grabbed the re-color so the horses would be paint. That's more a cowboy color to me.

When I saw the red and black shirt my first thought was "Garth Brooks". But with Jupiter's green skin, he needed the dark colors. And being a cop he likes to play the bad guy role! I really liked Onus' shirt, too. Whoever made it (it came from TSR) did a great job (they made both and the hats, too, I think).

Moveobjects on has to be thanked for the "brrrr" picture. It just worked so well.

And let me just say, it's hard to photograph sims making out in cowboy hats, let me tell you.

As for the pony (foal, actually) she didn't get to keep it. Hopefully she won't hold it against her fathers TOO long.


rachel2205 September 24 2006, 13:31:46 UTC
Ah ha ha! That is SO great. Very funny, and also very sweet. I like it! I want them to be cowboys all the time. :D


madame_ugly September 24 2006, 16:18:40 UTC
Jupiter would dig being a cowboy all the time. He was cheering after his makeover.

For some strange reason, I wish there was a mechanical bull for sims. I think that would prove very entertaining.


pixelcurious September 24 2006, 16:59:13 UTC
Hellz yeah! There should be a whole Urban (or not so) Cowboy expansion pack. There could be a dude ranch, and all your farm stuff... Yeah! I should get a job with Maxis so I can make this shit happen.

(gratuitous make out pics, anyone?)

Mmmm, don't mind if I do! Yum! This whole thing was awesome. I love the dialogue and the pics are great. They're such a cute couple, too. :)


madame_ugly September 24 2006, 23:09:20 UTC
I love hearing another player who wants farm stuff. I'd buy that in a heartbeat.


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