Вчера в Брюсселе (Бельгия) закончился Чемпионат Европы по дзёдо 2010. Результаты в категории 3-их данов (в которых я соревновался бы, если бы поехал
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Универсальный кулачный бой Кострова и без того забавен и не раз появлялся на "Стене позора" Будо-форумов, но тут его вытащили на свет англоязычные коллеги. Особый интерес вызвала эта фраза с их английской страницыThe Old Testaments in the basic part has transfers of knees of the sons of Israel and the vast explanations who whom by whom are
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Hojojutsu (rope restraints) - as far as is known, probably practiced by more modern Japanese than any other koryu. The practitioners approach their arcane art with a passion singularly absent from most other koryu. Their dojos are found in most major cities, and like other martial arts, can be found by signs at the entrance proudly displaying the
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For the professional though, they must always show up and always do their best. They must teach the art as best they can so that their students improve as far as they can.