Jan 22, 2008 09:56

So I read Becky's latest Redux piece this morning and - as often is the case where Becky is concerned - got a bit liberated and wrote something.


She has been with him since the beginning. Or the end if you'd rather. Assigned to be his watcher by the High Council. How else could they have dared to bring him back? He was never to be trusted. Never to be left alone. Never-. There'd been lists - pages of them. Fighting for their lives, it couldn't be said bureaucracy had failed the Time Lords.

Yana had never been a child nor - as far as she can remember, and that's getting hard these days, the years have passed far more slowly - more kindly than he could ever possibly deserve - for his single reconstructed form than for her several ones - had there ever been a Silver Devastation.

And now they're at the end again and she's here beside him as always. In yet another body. Stuck with its chan-s and tho-s (the people of the Conglomeration had probably even heard them in their dreams) and no-one - he - has ever thought to ask how she's even here - the last survivor of an extinct race. Everyone's too intent on being one of those themselves.

Unless it's the effect of the watch. Sometimes she almost forgets it's there herself.

She was supposed to have freed him with it. He'd been very persuasive. Couldn't go without her. She was his, he was hers. They'd be together forever. She'd looked into his eyes and known it was the truth.

Fittingly all it had taken was the chameleon arch to break the spell, though the truth of it still held.

She'll be with him in Utopia. Forever and always his trusted companion, his confidant, his jailer.

As long as there were Time Lords she had a contract to fulfill. It was enough to make her laugh - or had been, once upon a time - the last of the Time Lords, kept human by his own existence.


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