Title: Kanagawa Prefecture
Pairing: YamaShi, UmiChii, OhgoJima
Genre: Romance, Friendship, Fluff
Rating: G-PG13
Author: Macy
Summary: Shida Mirai is Japan's most famous movie star. Yamada Ryosuke owns a travel bookstore. What happens when this unlikely couple had a fateful encounter?
-UNBETAed, rushed
-borrowed plot. a complete rip-off. PLOT NOT MINE. got it from a movie. i'll say which at the final chap. (cause it'll be a spoiler. well, if you've watched the movie, you'll know it at once. :D)
-set in Spring, 2017, YamaShi is 24 years old (23 actually, since it's still spring)
-AU wherein there is no Hey! Say! JUMP... well, they're just normal people.
-short one
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 |
Chapter 6 |
Chapter 7 |
Chapter 8 |
Chapter 9 |
Chapter 10 |
Chapter 11 |
Chapter 12
"Yes..." Ryosuke said as the security halt him. "I was looking for Shida Mirai..."
He was now in Higasitakane Forest Park where Mirai was filming her new movie (according to Kanon).
"Does she know you're coming?" the security asked.
"No, no. She doesn't." Ryosuke said.
"I'm afraid I can't let you through then, sir." The security said.
"Oh right. I mean, I am a friend... I'm not a lunatic but..." The security frowned at him. "no, you basically..."
"...can't let you through." The security finished for him.
At that moment, thirty jo away, Ryosuke saw a trailer door open.
And out of it comes, and Ryosuke couldn't believe it, but it was really Mirai... looking extraordinary... in a velvet kimono, with full, beautiful make-up on and rich, extravagant hair.
She has a necessary cluster of people about her.
She walks a few yards, and then casually turn her head.
She stopped. She saw him.
Her face registered not jut surprise, and certainly not a simple smile.
Ryosuke, not really knowing what to do, just made a small wave.
She paused as the whole paraphernalia of the upcoming scene passed between them. The movie divided them. But then she began to walk through it, and followed by her cluster, she made her way towards him.
When she reached him, the security guard stood back a pace, and her people hold back.
She was now right in front of him. But neither seem to know what to say.
"This is certainly... ah..." Mirai started.
"I only found out you were here yesterday." Ryosuke said.
"I was going to call... but... I didn't think you'd want to..."
But then one of her assistants went behind her. "Shida-san."
She looked around.
Mirai turned to Ryosuke again. "It's not going very well... and it's our last day." She explained.
Ryosuke nodded, understandingly. "Absolutely... you're clearly very busy."
"But... wait... there are things to say." Mirai said before Ryosuke could go.
"Okay." Ryosuke said.
"Drink tea... there's lots of tea." Mirai said rather awkwardly.
And then she was swept away, four people touching her hair and costume.
"Come and have a look..." Chie-san said, inviting Ryosuke to the set.
Ryosuke followed her in.
Ryosuke surveyed the scene... the cluster is a full 100 jo from the action, to allow a gracious sweeping wide-shot.
He watched Mirai. She was with her co-star, it was Sakamoto Shougo, in a samurai costume.
"This is Haruki-san." Chie-san said, indicating the operator. "He'll give you a pair of headphones so you can hear the dialogue."
Haruki-san smiled at him and handed him the headphones.
"Here we go. The volume control is on the side." He said.
"Thanks." Ryosuke said.
Ryosuke could now hear their conversation.
"We'll never get this done today." It was Sakamoto's voice.
"We have to." Ryosuke smiled at her voice. "I've got to be in New York on Thursday."
"Oh, stop showing off." Sakamoto said.
And then Ryosuke saw the actor study an actress a bit to the left.
"Goodness, that's an enormous arse."
"I'm not listening." Mirai said quickly.
"No, but seriously... it's not fair... so many tragic young teenagers with anorexia. And that girl has an arse she could perfectly well share round with at least ten other women." Sakamoto said, but Ryosuke could hear his laugh in his voice. Looks like he's just teasing her.
"I said I'm not listening." Mirai said. "And I think, looking at something that firm, you and your droopy little excuse for an 'arse' would be well-advised to keep quiet."
Ryosuke laughed. That's his girl.
"So I ask you when you're going to tell everyone, and you say...?" Mirai started, preparing for their scene.
"'Tomorrow will be soon enough.'" Sakamoto answered.
"And then I... right." Mirai trailed off.
"Who was that guy you were talking to on the way up?" Sakamoto suddenly asked.
"Oh..." Mirai said with a surprise tone. "...no one... no one. Just some... guy from the past. I don't know what he's doing here. Bit of an awkward situation."
Ryosuke's smile faded.
"Of course." He said out loud.
He took off the headphones and placed them gently down.
"Thank you." He said to Haruki-san.
"Anytime." The older man said.
Ryosuke walked away, never looking back.
The moment of hope is gone. He couldn't have had a clear reminder.
Back to his house, Ryosuke was emptying Shida Mirai videos into a box.
"What's going on?" Ryuu asked as he entered their living room.
"I'm going to throw out these old videos." Ryosuke said.
"No. You can't throw these. I'm not allowing this." Ryuu said, picking all the videos he could get.
"Right... let's talk about rent..." Ryosuke said, annoyed.
"I won't be threatened by that, Yama-chan. This is more than my rent. This is about your--"
"Then let's talk about my sister." Ryosuke cut him off.
Ryuu stopped and then he looked at Ryosuke.
Ryosuke raise a brow at him.
"Let me help. We don't want all these cluttering up our lives." Ryuu said.
Thanks for reading!