First, a homeless lady asked me for a light. I gave it to her along with a fresh cigarette. She told me her name was Bessie. Then she turned and hobbled off as fast as her withered feet could carry her. She took my lighter with her
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First post from new room. Low drama, save for the strong warning against piracy on the IN-HOUSE wifi connection. He turns it off for security at night. (How late?) but.... thus far, I am pleased.
Self-proclaimed Part One of the Darjeeling Limited, The Hotel Chevalier contains near R-levels of cake. Do not let children partake of this cake, most questionable.
(Seems a little dry. The movie will be like this... exactly?
This video is jaw-dropping. If you care about politics at all, I highly highly highly recommend spending the 1 hour and 20 minutes this clip needs to play out. (Note: I haven't finished it yet, but this interview is the very definition of what journalism was created for.)
Good afternoon! My name is Chris and I represent Labor Ready Temp-to-Hire Services. We operate from locations all over the inland empire, but I represent our offices in Rancho and Upland. Simply put, we take requests from employers who need permanent workers on a moment's notice or temporary workers for the space of a few hours
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