
Mar 15, 2010 10:20

Haven't entered here in awhile. Working more than I want to, not really doing much performance except at my church job, which makes me sad, but life is like that sometimes. I just don't have the energy I used to when I had a little more 'down' time. I also suspect that age is fast creeping up on me and such opportunities will not come again ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

unovis March 15 2010, 14:27:39 UTC
Hi (waving)
Verizon sympathy. They're just horrible to deal with and horrible to communicate with, though I think more so in your area than up here.

I did have a very sweet repairman fix things up and help me out after the first guy decided he didn't want to come out in the rain and filed a false report. He wasn't in charge of anything, though.


amonitrate March 15 2010, 23:33:34 UTC
I feel your pain. We didn't have as many problems as it sounds like you had, but when we switched from regular Verizon cable internet to their fancy "FIOS" they... started charging us for both. Didn't close out the other account because apparently those are two different departments and we were supposed to ask nicely for them to cancel the one? Or something. It was ridiculous.

Luckily they were somewhat responsive and resolved things, but the utter ridiculousness of it rankled.


lastrega March 16 2010, 12:27:55 UTC
Hey there, stranger! Nice to see you pop up, even if things aren't quite as awesome as they could be. Best of luck vanquishing Verizon; if anyone can, I'm sure it's you.


pat_t March 16 2010, 18:09:25 UTC
Glad to see you. Sorry about the business of daily life now. I'm not dealing with Verizon, but I've had my own problems with certain companies. I'm currently in communication with the Attorney General's office in MS.

Good luck on all your endeavors. Hope you're well.


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