May 09, 2009 16:13

I should make an "I'm pathetic and I'm sorry" icon.... (sigh)

I haven't check lj for at least two weeks, and come to find out that everybody is moving over to a new service!!  tazlet  sent me an invite and I'm over there as MacGeorge (sorry, don't have the direct link at hand).  No entries yet, but let's hope I do better over there than here.

Went to see ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

crowdaughter May 9 2009, 23:03:37 UTC
Hi, there! Good to see you on!

I haven't check lj for at least two weeks, and come to find out that everybody is moving over to a new service!! [info]tazlet sent me an invite and I'm over there as MacGeorge (sorry, don't have the direct link at hand). No entries yet, but let's hope I do better over there than here.

Which service - dreamwith? I haven't seen it so far, but may check it out, too. I hope it will be a good back up to lj, at least. Or is this just another of these quick fires which burns fast and then goes out again?

Went to see Star Trek yesterday afternoon. GO!! Go NOW!! Spock is FABULOUS!!

I hope to go see it tomorrow; today I went to Wolverine: Origins. Which I loved as well. But I really want to see that new movie about Spock's and Kirk's early time. All my old Trekkie senses awoke when I first saw the trailer. ;)


adonnchaid May 9 2009, 23:29:04 UTC
Yay for being alive!! I'll go hunt you up over on Dreamwidth.

I'm really glad to see all the good reviews of the movie. I don't expect I'll see it until next weekend, but I'm looking forward to it.


jotribe May 10 2009, 02:09:54 UTC
I just got back from seeing Star Trek. It was so much fun!! I'm revved up :)

are you moving over to dreamwidth exclusively? eh, i may have to actually go over there and set up. Who knows when I'll get to it... ::sigh::

And hey -- good to hear you're alive *g*


pat_t May 10 2009, 13:21:24 UTC
Don't feel bad. I think most people are very busy. Great to see you back again though. I had a poll and almost everyone said they were signing up with DW and backing up their journals, but they planned on staying with LJ.

I'll go look you up over there.


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