To Touch the Face - Ninth Installment

Apr 05, 2008 17:54

Duncan stumbled back, evidently bullied out of the way by his unwanted guest, and in strode a lean figure clad in a long, dark raincoat carrying a large duffle bag which he dropped unceremoniously on the floor.  Hazel eyes hovering over a substantial nose met mine, and we both froze in shock.

Then I stood, slowly.  Warily.  Almost forgetting that ( Read more... )

angel, fic

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Comments 15

dswdiane April 5 2008, 22:14:51 UTC
I'm still enjoying this story. Did you know it repeats once after the first rendition?

I love how you're capturing Gabriel's arrogance and wondering if you plan to do anything about it over the course of the story. I sorta assume you do.

As always, I love the way you write Duncan and Methos.


macgeorge1 April 5 2008, 22:20:25 UTC
Thank you! And thank you for letting me know of the "copy and paste" glitch.

Gabe will get his comeuppance. *g*


goddesstar April 6 2008, 02:56:05 UTC
I have never read this story - but I'm starting tonight! I know its backwards reading chapter 9 before chapter 1 but, oh well! Say, how's Origins coming along?



macgeorge1 April 6 2008, 20:02:05 UTC
Just look under the "angel" tag and you will find the previous entries. I hope you enjoy it!

Origins is coming... slowly (sigh).


ivadel April 6 2008, 06:04:20 UTC
What a lovely thing to stumble upon. I'll be heading back to read from the beginning. You have a great way with dialog.


macgeorge1 April 6 2008, 20:02:48 UTC
Thank you! Just look in my lj for the "angel" tag, and you can easily find the previous installments.


unovis April 8 2008, 03:17:11 UTC
I'm enjoying this so much! I love Methos looking squinty-eyed at Gabriel and the way you've shown his relationship with Duncan here.


macgeorge1 April 10 2008, 03:57:14 UTC
I almost lost this chapter, which was about half done on my old laptop that died. But I recovered it, and doing so prompted me to finish this part. I discovered again how much fun Gabe is to write.


mel_spiel April 9 2008, 13:07:07 UTC
I found this through Hl_flash.
Great Fic.
Great Series.
I was always ambiguous about Gabe in the movie - seemed like a character that you wanted to side with. Now I'm rooting for him - I'm really fasinated by where this is going and I have loved every moment of character interaction - each and every character.
Thanks for writing and posting.


macgeorge1 April 10 2008, 03:59:01 UTC
Gabe is both well intended, and an arrogant sod. Must be tough being perfect for so long, and now he's so.... human. *g* I'm very pleased you're enjoying this rather wild ride.


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