Pre-BIG-POST Musings

Jul 21, 2007 19:33

So as I regain coherency, a couple things to ponder before the BIGGGG post.

The big question: should I read the epilogue. Obviously I feel that I should just to be officially done with it, but the other part of me is so happy with the way the things need to spoil the illusion.

In all seriousness, how is Ginny considered Harry's "equal"? ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

ale279 July 22 2007, 19:51:43 UTC
Yeah, I wish we had found out about the veil! I think Ginny and Harry are still a good match.

I didnt like how people seemed to be killed like, randomly. The story could have progressed and been just as good if some people hadnt died. Oh well.

I read the epilogue, but I never had any issue with the epilogue? I'm not sure why theres such an uproar about it. Personally, I liked it but it didnt give all the info I wanted to, but thats ok.

Its crazy that it's over! And you're right, this will make an awesome movie.


kirstie89 November 4 2007, 06:41:32 UTC
Just dropping in to say hello since I haven't seen you around (except for on ONTD) in a few months. How is everything? Are you enjoying college?


Nice quote anonymous May 9 2008, 20:08:20 UTC

If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly.



Для одиноких с серьёзными намерениями и для любителей anonymous May 19 2008, 02:22:02 UTC
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