Pre-BIG-POST Musings

Jul 21, 2007 19:33

So as I regain coherency, a couple things to ponder before the BIGGGG post.

The big question: should I read the epilogue. Obviously I feel that I should just to be officially done with it, but the other part of me is so happy with the way the things need to spoil the illusion.

In all seriousness, how is Ginny considered Harry's "equal"? She was pretty much a non-entity this book (which I loved/hated...mainly loved). I just can't comprehend how we're supposed to believe she's Harry's match.

WTF was with Lupin? And not just in this book. P.S. He did not redeem himself, in my eyes.

Can we just skip HBP and make this movie? NOW PLEASE.

Seriously though, THE VEIL???

This feeling of emptiness is at once exactly what I expected and completely different. It's really messing with my emotions.
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