Mar 01, 2012 16:39
You can ask me any questions you want, via any way you can think of to reach me - any question, no matter how crazy, sinister, or wrong or right it is. I will answer in full honesty via whichever way you want to reach me, no matter what. You will have my full honesty.
Anonymous enabled, public. Go for it I'm bored enough.
Jul 25, 2011 22:46
Post anonymously and tell me any or all of:
1 → Something (about you) that you like lately.
2 → Something (about you) that you don't like.
3 → Whatever was on your mind most today, big or small.
4 → Something (about me) that you have thought before.
5 → An opinon. On anything that isn't food or weather/seasons.
6 → A hint and/or a secret!