Have caught a cold (unfortunately), just sleeping, eating and a bit watching films at the last weekend. Now at work with little headache and snuffling... :/ Yesterday we washed our cat (for the first time!), oooh, it was incredibly, and how she looked after that wash... [like a little poor wasted totally wet through rat].
Summer is here looks like to me. Few weeks and it will be possible to go to the sea... :) Today maybe it will be great time in Black Friday again but I`m not sure yet, will I be there. But it would be nice to watch Ozzy Osbourne videos in club.
Tagad pat priecājos, ka pašlaik sēžu darbā. Slapjais sniegs tur, aiz loga, izskatās pārāk nežēlīgs pret cilvēkiem, pret smaidu, pret visu... Šeit, iekšpusē, diena ir mierīga un klusa, ir palicis maz iespēju ar kādu sazināties un strādāt intensīvi un stresā. Bet tas taču labi - tā, lēnām atgūties no brīvdienām. :)
Viss pagalam sagriezies. Negaidīju, ka tik drīz ies prom divas kolēģes. Bez viņām ir skumjāk. Vispirms mūsu sadalīšana, tagad viņas pavisam prom
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