I assume someone somewhere has been graciously reminding people that The Wonderland Subject exists, as I've gotten a sudden influx of messages about it. One of them reminded me that I wanted to address something that more than a few people have said about the story, particularly the last few chapters. (That means there are SPOILERS in the upcoming
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Comments 28
"Then again, I did a full writer's commentary on IAWIA, so I guess this isn't quite as arrogant."
Did I miss something?... When did you finish these?... Where are they?
(OK -- it looks good in the preview.)
What a tremendously dickish thing to say.
You say "but I'm not sure how this relates to what I was talking about."
The point wasn't "spike is awful... etc etc etc"... the point was that this author spotted the poison that kills the show.
The poison that kills what makes the show good is when any of the characters betray the group dynamic.
If Xander stops being Xander and becomes some arrogant swaggering bore, it poisons the dynamic.
If Buffy stops being Buffy and becomes some arrogant swaggering bore, it poisons the dynamic.
If Willow stops being Willow and becomes some arrogant swaggering bore, it poisons the dynamic.
All of which has nothing to do with what I've been talking about. All you're doing here is taking the opportunity to complain about Buffy the show. I get it. You don't like the direction of the show, but that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which is how things that sound bad on the ( ... )
That's not a lie; I wish it were.
I don't have a lot to say about premise, since I wholeheartedly agree with what you pointed out.
On your first point, though, specifically with regards to The Wonderland Subject, the best part of that story, to me, was Xander's disenchantment with being a superhero, specifically how, even with powers, there were still limits to what he could do. He may have been superhuman, but he was still human.
If you'll forgive the idolization of that statement.
Mary Suing is a serious accusation to make of anyone, and whenever I see the comments in, for instance, the Buffy vs. Cap'n America scenes, I get a little angry.
I dunno, my longest-running piece stars an on-his-own Xander trying to make do in Africa, but there's no power to be had. I like to think he's anything but a Mary Sue, because he's often overwhelmed, regularly confused, and having trouble coping with what he encounters.
Just, otherwise, I don't think it'd be very fun to write. And if it's not fun to write, I don't see how it can be fun to read.
But seriously, I do agree that people shouldn't dismiss things as not worthwhile based on premise. I think it's fine to dismiss something as probably not being "my kind of thing" based on the premise. But saying that is just flat out not good because of that? Kind of lame.
Just pays to keep an open mind about such things. You never know when a new favorite will come around the corner.
I'd rather read about non-powered, non-destinied Xander any day, because that's what made him, as far as I'm concerned, the most interesting character on "Buffy."
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